Liza Cheng: Purveyor of fine Irish Coffee in Sibu

cny06 irish coffee

I went to Liza’s house just now, one of many places we went for Chinese New Year visiting. She just went to Germany and brought back some Café Boheme (which is actually a product of French origin) and enthused us to try some of it. She said to write that the largest one is for me, coz I’m supposed to be an alcoholic or something. 😉

cny06 cafe boheme

The Café Boheme Irish Coffee (about 15%) is good – it tastes great, better than most coffee liquors out there (Read: Kahlua). The group of us went to several houses during our CNY visiting – it’s a custom here to visit friends during the Chinese New Year period.

cny06 liza me

It’s great to catch up on things…we mostly visited high school friends and it’s our 8th reunion out of high school and things have changed so much. It seems like everyone is getting married or engaged and there’s a dinner I have to attend tonight…


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