We shall make paper edible and ink taste like fruit!

fruit printer

I just had a divine inspiration from the comments in the Xiao Pa Wang post
[sixthseal.com] by Patrick. We shall make paper edible and ink taste
like food (well, fruits first) instead of tasting like ink! Calling all
angel investors, we are prepared to launch this radical (well, maybe
not so radical) concept to the masses and deploy it as soon as possible!

The idea is to infuse the color ink toners in laser jet printers to
taste like fruits. This will be done by replacing the standard ink with
food coloring and flavoring. Red will taste like strawberries! Blue
will taste like blueberries! Imagine the staggering possibilities!

And that’s just the start; we can have swappable Taste Toners (TM) –
spicy ones, sweet ones, even custom Taste Toners made for certain
cuisines. A “Drinks: Coffee Taste Toner (TM)” will print out cups of
coffee that taste like espressos, cappuccinos etc depending on how dark
you print the shade as. Frappacinos is also possible if you freeze the
paper beforehand. The possibilities are mind boggling!

13 sibu

Okay, on to other more serious matters, I’ll be flying back to Sibu
again later today. It’s part R&R and part work. I have to fix up a
client’s deployment over there, but due to the long Raya holidays, I
can relax a bit too.

kch airport missile

Let’s just hope that the plane won’t be delayed coz the war effort
suddenly decided to load some air to surface missiles en route to
Fallujah on a mission like last time…

That would delay my arrival by hours, if not days. 😉

Oh, and I just turned down a 4k job offer in KL. No offence to the
well meaning people who made the offer, and my appreciation goes out to
all of you. However, I’m staying with Huygens Asia. That’s my decision,
coz for some reason or other, I’ve come to think of Huygens Asia as
home and the people working here as family.

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0 thoughts on “We shall make paper edible and ink taste like fruit!”

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