I was driving around Kota Damansara at 12:30 am just now looking for a bite to eat. The usual Ramly burger stand that I go to wasn’t open so I just cruised around the Encorp Strand area to find another and bumped into this one. Burger Boy Corner is a slightly more up-scale version of a Ramly burger stand – it offers a variety of different burgers in addition to the usual suspects.
I was particularly intrigued by their sign that advertised Rabbit Burgers, Deer Burgers, Lamb Burgers and Ostrich Burgers!
I’ve had lamb and venison burgers plenty of times before so I opted for the rabbit and ostrich burgers. I was curious as to whether they had their own supplier for the meat so I asked to see what the patties looked like and the guy (presumably Burger Boy himself) kindly showed me the cooler.
The ostrich burger seems to be the most popular since it’s already open and 3 patties are missing, but the others are all new, including the rabbit burger. I’ve actually had ostrich burgers in Sibu before – this was just before my mom passed. There’s actually an ostrich farm and I went with my mom to buy an ostrich egg (which the owner reluctantly parted with for RM 50 – this was before they were selling them).
We took it home and I planned to fry it in a HUGE omelet but despite both our efforts with a chopping knife, we couldn’t even crack it! I was sooo careful bringing it home coz I was afraid it’ll smash too. Haha. In the end, we just boiled it and had such a hard time opening it that I ended up using a screwdriver and a hammer.
I digress. Anyway, I got both of the orders as Special, which means it comes with an egg and the choice of either black pepper or mushroom sauce (went for the former). I quite liked the ostrich burger (RM 7.50) – the meat is red coz it’s from the leg, it’s dark meat, just like chicken legs are. I’ve always seen people puzzled by the fact that ostrich meat is red due the fact that it’s a bird.
Interesting fact: The meat from an ostrich is red coz it’s from the legs! That’s the *only* part of an ostrich you eat, there’s no meat in the breast so there’s no white meat from an ostrich.
The rabbit burger (RM 7.50) is on the lean side, so I was glad to see he took it off the grill faster than the ostrich burger patty. It was cooked just nice, right before it went dry and although it’s pretty lean for my tastes, it’s not too bad if you like lean meat. I still prefer the ostrich burger though.
Burger Boy Corner also has jumbo hot dogs for around the same price as the new food truck Amaze K near Encorp Strand Mall. I was surprised to be told that the jumbo sausages are quite expensive so that’s why they need to retail it at those prices. They also sell cold drinks from the fridge and seating is available on one side of the Burger Boy Corner food truck.
Burger Boy Corner is open till 1 am and usually parked in front of the 7-Eleven beside The Joy of Sharing.

Oh? Looks like frozen patties. I wonder if I can get them here. Sure would love to try all…except the rabbit. Poor thing! I can never get myself to eat those – so soft and furry, so cuddly and lovable. Never mind that they say it’s cholesterol free – no, thank you. 😀
I was surprised to learn that rabbit burger is available!
I alway wanted to try rabbit burger but will be scolded by my better half as well as my friends. They said rabbits are too cute to be eaten!
First thing I noticed, from the menu – double cheese and cheese double.. What’s the difference? I don’t mind trying all the patties, errr, except the rabbit, sounds like a poor thing..
wah all sorts of meat! i’m yet to try any of these burgers, i still prefer the usual range like beef, fish, pork or chicken burger!
that’s one convenient place to try all type of meat! but they taste almost the same??
i dont have the skill to differrentiate those meats when they were marinated and cooked. between pork, chicken and beef is easy though!
those burger looks quite tempting~ XD
I’ve always wanted to try rabbit after seeing it as a Mystery Box ingredient on Masterchef Australia. I imagine it would be lean with a gamey flavor.
Didn’t know the ostrich eggs are that tough to crack. Can’t help laughing when you said need to use screw driver and hammer. No wonder they let kids stand on the eggs at petting zoo.
Had Ostrich meat burger once. I am okay with the taste.
Oh no, I cannot eat rabbits. I might cry instead! LOL