I was invited by the good people at Heineken to go on a helicopter ride on Saturday morning. I went and picked Cheesie up (got horribly lost despite Google Maps) and managed to find our way to Subang Airport. The place where we took off is Eurocopter, which has a fleet of helicopters.
The place is loaded with those newfangled choppers with protected tail rotors. We went on the HH-65 Dolphin, which is the same helicopter used by the US Coast Guard. I’ve been on a Bell 206 before (very common in Sarawak, for all the wrong reasons – they keep crashing) but never a state of the art helicopter.
We waited at the lounge for the briefing at 10:30 am and nature called so I went up to use their washroom – and found an excellent photo op from above the hangar. Not 5 minutes later, security personnel told us that photos are not halal/kosher in this high security area. Naturally, being bloggers, we said yes, okay, and promptly resumed our shutter activities once he’s gone. π
Anyway, after the briefing, we were up in the air. It was a 30 minute helicopter ride passing KL City and Batu Caves before heading back.
Here’s the teaser video.
The full experience report will be up tomorrow. I have a couple of work related stuff to finish tonight before I head off to bed. It was a lot of fun – I spotted my condo and Rin spotted hers as well. Thanks Heineken! π

so niceeee jeles!
Wow! Great experience helicopter ride ever!
i iz jelez toooooo
Cool…haha…that’s all??
KY: Fun helicopter ride. I’ve never done that in KL, just in Sarawak. π
YH: Yah, it was a lot of fun. I could see my condo from up top. π
Yatz: It was a lot of fun. Come, let’s go skydiving! π
hitomi: Nope, this is the first post. Complete full report up tomorrow. π
The pictures look really cool!!!!
Really makes me want to do a helicopter ride as well…~~~~
mhhh dunno…
Helicopters are fun! It’s awesome! π
You can book a 1 hour flight for RM 3,500 here.
but 3500 would be a little too much for me i guess π
well perhaps i will do it when i have some more money π
you are so lucky to have a go on those copters.. i mean it really cost a bomb to ride on those transport… u did get a “helicopter view” (pun intended) of kl indeed…
Damn cool man! Hahaha. but i’m missing your tag line in the video la..
“sixthseal.com.. where u can always see the wild into the ways of the man”
Would prefer a plane, then go through the Petronas towers. Funky.
Nice sponsor by Heineken π
wow lucky you big guy, looks like a lot of fun. thanks for posting the videos kl is a beautiful city.
btw did you spot your apartment building from above?
Nice shot high above. Planning trip to Hawaii and see it from helicopter too.
shadowking: The liaison at Eurocopter told us a guy hung a huge banner on some building and proposed to the girl on the helicopter ride just as it came into view. Pretty much worth the 3.5k, me thinks. π
cindy: It’s the primary mode of transport in Sarawak to the interior, where there are no runways for planes, even small ones. π
shaoweii: Haha! It’s usually “sixthseal.com – where we always lead the wild into the ways of the man” but I’ve used that too much so have been refraining lately. Hey, actually come to think of it, I DID say that, you just can’t hear me over the roar of the rotors. π
Tan Yee Hou: LOL! Great idea, but that would decrease my lifespan significantly. π
Tian Chad: Yup, good of them folks to let us go on the ride. π
WEEN: Cheers buddy. It was a bit smoggy that day, but I’ve seen worse. We have a very high API (Air Pollutant Index) here.
Yeah, I managed to spot my condo too. π
Vickie: That’s great! Helicopter rides usually cost an arm and a leg. Both times I went over here were sponsored although the first time was work related. π
WOW! So awessum!!!
Cool pics, HB. Choppers scare me thougth. Guess cause I am too uncorindated to fly one.
helickoptor ride… i want also
how to strangle yourself with a ligature?
how do i make sure the knot stays tight after i pass out if its not a suspension or partial suspension hanging? what kind of knot do i use?
im planing on just using a hangmans knot and lyning in bed and tighting it it might come loose thou? i cant use a belt i dont own 1 cant afford 1 it would be great to use my shirt sleeve how do i do that?
pamsong: Yeah, it was a lot of fun! π
tom robinson: You don’t need to fly one. It’s piloted so just relax and enjoy the scenery. π
Myhorng: RM 3,500 for one hour, I heard from the guy operating the place.
pm: Erm…I dunno. I’m not into autoerotism.
no its suicide not autoerotic stuff
pm: You’re talking about a slow, painful death my friend.
Read this:
i have choked myself out before its not that bad death would be like that exept i wouldent wake up
why do u hav to go to the interior part of sarawak o..
NICE! Nice!! (Y)
Awesome, I also jealous!
thats true such a proposel would be fricking awesome, but than again i dont have a girl i would propose to…. so yep no need to go on a helicopter ride π
wow! this is so cool! dint know we can have this chance by bloggings. hehe
pm: Hmm…sounds like a bad way to go to me.
ruby: Work. I used to be a Systems Engineer in a surveillance company and we had to do a remote installation once. π
Jade Zheng: Yeah, it was damn fun! π
ShaolinTiger: The place also caters for private planes – saw a couple of civilians fly a Cessna (could hear the radio chatter from my headphones).
shadowking: Hey, maybe in the near future. Love comes when you least expect it. π
vvens: Yeah, thanks to Heineken and Nuffnang. π
lol that somehow sounds a little suspicious
do you know something i dont?
Nope, just a hopeless romantic stating his thoughts about love. π
Let me tell you
Love doesnt work like that for me π
There is nobody i am interested in and there is nobody interested in me…
and girls just dont fall down from heaven… or do they?
They do. Keep your faith, my friend, faith is all we’ve got.
I lost my faith long ago π
but yeah..
shadowking: Keep the faith, like the Bon Jovi song. If you lose hope, there’s nothing to live for. Nietzsche said “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how”. π
I also wanna ride a helicopter!
dirty in that pic r they
Huai bin: well i have something to live for, but right now it is definitly not love
and i cant really see myself with a girlfriend at the moment
dunno why
well yeah people say “hope springs eternal”
(i searched for that one in a dicteonary, but i like the german version more word by word it would be translated as “hope dies last”)
eiling: Yeah, it would be fun right?
pm: It’s smog – KL is one of the more polluted cities in the world.
shadowking: That’s good to hear mate. Having something to live for…
I’m glad for you. π
lol that sounds so cheesy and a little sarcastic
i had to laugh π
shadowking: Heh! I wasn’t being sarcastic. I am a bit of a hopeless romantic and though I like to protray myself as a cynic, deep down I truly believe in the inherant good nature of people. OMG!
no i mean the seats in the helicopter
pm: Hmm…I don’t know, it looks pretty clean to me. I’m not a good judge of cleanliness though coz I’m a rather messy person myself. π
Lol dont worry i never thought you meant it that way I just think it sounded like that…
mhhh now this sounds weird..
shadowking: Yeah, it does sound kinda wierd now. Dropping subject. π
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