I’ve been so sleep deprived during the long weekend that I can’t even think straight. I want to write about the Kuching Project Alpha shoot but I’m so sleepy I don’t think even propping up my eyelids with metal toothpicks would do the trick.
Thus, I shall just put up this photo of a sleeping feline I saw in the longhouse visit and get some sleep. Not. Able. To. Type. Coherant. Sentences.
Oh ya, speaking of Project Alpha, first time I met Jojo, she was with Stephanie Chai (a fellow Sarawakian!). She just started a wedding portal called The Wedding Guide.
I reckon this would come in handy for me soon considering I’m turning 29 in about two months. π
Now…the only problem is finding the bride. Heh!

u alrdy got future bride just the right time needed… π
same fate here as turning 29 few mth time…
at first i thought that cat was dead but thank god its just sleeping. he looks so peaceful. i have a thing for cats.
BTW you’re turning 29 in 2 months. i always thought you were born in January. that’s when i turned 29.
30 here we come YIKES!
sleeping is overrated, i can sleep when i die!
Agree with Ah Nel.. haha
Come on dude, you only need 3 hour max and make up during the day like sleeping next to the water cooler or when you take a dump.
So who’s Steph? The one on the left or right?
Going back to your question, that’s already set in stone right? You and Ah So had a verbal contract right? Just need to work out the minor details like where, we already set the date for Easter weekend, remember?
But on the other hand, you didn’t bring her to Kuching, she might be really too-lan liaw and recind the agreement.
Anyhow, is Caydence coming to the wedding? I better book tickets liaw (wah, so thick skin today) ha ha ha
*box box* lol.. just turn in to bed earlier and put all things aside first. Sleep comes first!
29 or not, age is just a number..
*backfist* π
Yaya.. Agree with annna.. Age is just a number π
Come on dude, you only need 3 hour max and make up during the day like sleeping next to the water cooler or when you take a dump.
So who’s Steph? The one on the left or right?
Going back to your question, that’s already set in stone right? You and Ah So had a verbal contract right? Just need to work out the minor details like where, we already set the date for Easter weekend, remember?
But on the other hand, you didn’t bring her to Kuching, she might be really too-lan liaw and recind the agreement.
Anyhow, is Caydence coming to the wedding? I better book tickets liaw (wah, so thick skin today) ha ha ha
Maybe The Wedding Guide should have a small section for match making too? π
ah nel: You’re turning 29 too? Yeah man, we’re getting old in the bones! π
WEEN: Yeah damn, we’ll be pushing 30 soon. I love cats too, not so much dogs. Dogs are loyal and all but I prefer cats.
KY: Ya, sleep is for the weak!
Eriku: Haha! I don’t even have a gf yet. π
rocket: I have not mastered the art of sleeping at the water cooler or the toilet. I can only sleep on a bed unless I’m REALLY tired.
Stephanie is the one on the right.
Haha! What wedding? I don’t think it’s going to happen anytime soon. π
annna: Yup, agree! I just got a haircut that makes me look younger (but fatter too).
Going for the “little boy” look. π
ahlost: Yeah, I don’t FEEL old but chronologically, I am old. T_T
However, it’s a good think I don’t LOOK old, so can still pull it off la. π
rocket: Ya man, got your comment, replied above. Cheers!
Cas: Heh! Yeah, should suggest that to Steph! π
by golly u look so skinny next to them! wot hpd to steph n jojo. use to see em around.. party days.. i guess no longer partyin huh π
Are you for real, turning 29 and still not married? Shit man, your sperm count is dropping by the day and so is your son-in-law value. If i were you, i would forge my IC and lower age a few years, for the Parent-in-laws.
Anyway, we agreed Easter, remember? Shit, you are getting forgetful too, harga turun lagi.
Anyway, Steph is very pretty, you can ask her to marry you, shh, I won’t tell jester if you don’t, but Caydence is off limits.
So where are you “likely” to get married, so I can arrange an open ticket liaw. Wah so thick face today.
ciki: Jesus, I just realized I gained A LOT OF WEIGHT in just a couple of months. Amazing. I should eat less. Haha!
Jojo is probably busy with Project Alpha and Steph with her wedding portal. π
rocket: Yeah, I’m single. Don’t even have a girlfriend. Haha!
Well, I’m quite sure I’m not shooting blanks so no worries on that account. π
I have selective memory bro. Heh!
I don’t think I’ll get married that fast. π
Tai Ko, how can you be single? I thought you and Jester already had a verbal agreement, you know, the Will you marry me contract.
Better hurry up lah. We are not getting any younger and I am sure Jester wants a few ankle biters, the clock is ticking so to speak.
The question is, what’s holding you back? You have free airfare liaw, so honeymoon is sorted. I am sure Steph can organise a nice wedding reception. We already set the date (Easter Weekend). All we need now is you turning up on the day with Ah So. I volunteer to drive the car, and pao a big ang pow for you some more, four ringgit can go a long way liaw. π
rocket: Haha! No verbal agreement la. π
Yeah I know mate, we’re getting old, but it’s not a thing you jump into. Marriage can be a bit tricky.
Heh! Thanks for the offer but I don’t think I’ll get married that soon. Work is already killing me.
LOL, but still future you will have gf then future you will have bride..can consider as future bride le gua.. π
Ah Ko, you are making it hard for yourself lah. Don’t work so hard, Ah So comes first right. If you don’t hurry up and Ah So cabut kaki, man, you rugi lah.
Pick up cellphone and ask lah. Aya. Don’t think so much liaw.
Eriku: Yeah, now the question is…who? π
rocket: Haha! Okay, that is a valid point.
No la, have to get to know a person better first, that sounds like an arranged marriage. π
Arranged marriage is back in vogue, you are behind the times, man. The mystery and mystic will keep the relatinship interesting, just like a mystery tour/holiday. So what is she was a man, she still love you just as much.
Also, with arrange marriage, some how your parent will always get along with your spouse better than you. Strange isn’t it. Anyway, she will bare you many children and look after you, cook, clean, roll a few joints, etc etc, but no watch soccer, that’s off limits.
Today, my local bank was firebombed. I could have been in there, I could have died and cannot marry Caydence liaw. That’s an omen from the gods, you better get married liaw.
rocket: Haha! What if you end up not liking the person’s personality? What if the sex is not mindblowing? What if you can’t be friends with your wife and have nothing in common?
Say no to arranged marriages. π
Damn, I haven’t heard of girls who would look after me, cook, clean and roll joints to boot, drop me a message if you ever find one like that. π
Haha! I’ll get married when I’m ready, definately an invite for you.
Well, is who? Erm..that depend on you and how high your demand are..hehe
Come on mate. Personality is nothing lah, the moment you say I do, she turns into a dragon and keep your balls in the tower. And mind blowing sex goes out the window after the kids arrive. So much for you to look forward too.
I am looking for a hard working wife for you.
You are hanging out with the wrong sort of girls. Career women are too busy looking after your needs, you need the more home oriented type.
I hear the girls in country Sicily are good. They milk the cows/goats in the morning, give you fresh milk for brekkie, followed by sex, you go to work, she goes to the fields to tend to the crops. You come home in the evening, she has slaughtered the goat and cooked you a nice roast, made wine, and bare you 12 kids too.
Eriku: Heh! I’m actually quite easy going in that aspect. Intelligence is a must, but other than that, someone I can talk to and a be a friend for the rest of our lives (coz I feel it’s important for your wife/husband to be your best friend). π
rocket: Haha! Sure mate, I’m always open to suggestions. π
Home oriented type eh? Hard to find in my line of work.
However, I do want an intelligent wife too.
Agreed. Intelligent is a must , but not too clever o..haha. When a girl too clever , you will be caught easily..you know what i mean? Haha
Eriku: Hmm…not too sure about that, a girl can be intelligent and nice, the two attributes are not mutually exclusive. π
Erm..not sure? Haha.. ok i agree with you. π
Eriku: Yeah, intelligent girls are awesome! =D
NANA !: I don’t know what you’re smoking, but can I have some too? π