I just finished writing an advertorial and saw a comment from an old reader lamenting the fact that my blog seem to have lost its soul. You know, I agree with him/her. I sat down earlier today, and I had two options, doing a standard post or one I REALLY wanted to write about (File Under: Bedtime Stories).
A lot of bloggers hold back from writing what they really want for fear that clients would desert them (Oh, sex, we can’t have that, coz people might be CONFUSED) and this really limits your creativity.
I believe that we should reclaim our blogs, write what we want and if some clients can’t deal with that, well there’s always other more open-minded clients who want your personality to shine through instead of churn out press releases. Soft sell is the way to go.
Thus, I have decided to write a post under FINE (which is FICTION BTW, none of this is true – the disclaimer is not for commercial but personal reasons ;))
No Strings Attached
Now how many times have I heard that line? I’ve always maintained a healthy skepticism whenever someone says that. There are usually invisible cords after the deed. No strings attached? There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
The CLOSEST I ever got to NSA (not National Security Agency) was this girl who left after doing the horizontal boogie but still grumbled.
However, I met this girl 2 years ago who is fucking hot and intelligent to boot. Please refer to the photo above – mosaic-ed and blurred to the point that you can’t differentiate it from an edelweiss from the Alps. I’m not going to show any original photos, hell no way Jose.
Anyway, the second time I met her, the conversation steered to relationships. It somehow meandered into the No Strings Attached (TM) question.
“No strings attached”, she said.
Hmm…I was doubtful. If I had a dollar for every time I hear that I’ll be a motherfucking billionaire by now. Well, maybe not la, but you get my point.
I tested and prodded, pushing the boundaries, telling her exactly how it’s going to pan out. We had lunch and adjourned to my place where we both knew what was going to happen (I know you’re reading this, so don’t deny it – you knew ;)).
Anyway, after making out for a while, I went down on her before penetrating her.
“Don’t come inside me”, she whispered as I drove my cock shaft into her warm and wet cunt.
I’ve had a couple of drinks so the quality of my erection was rather substandard. She moved into the 69 position for a while before doing a reverse cowgirl.
That was the image that I remember the most – the experience burned into my retina and my mind’s eye:
Her unique ability to bend her body so far down that all I see is her perfectly toned and shaped ass.
Did I mention that she has a smoking hot body? Lean as fuck – All killer, no filler.
Well, I can’t come that fast when I’m drinking so after a couple of positions (also remembered going doggy style) I went down and fingered and licked her clitoris till she came.
The interesting bit is she doesn’t make a sound when she’s coming. She had a really good reason for that but I’m not going to write it down lest inference and extrapolation identifies the female protagonist.
I still haven’t come yet so I asked if she swallows. She said it’ll be weird to after I’ve fucked her. Fair enough.
Can I come on you then?
This is not a question I usually ask coz it doesn’t really matter to me whether I do or not. I don’t particularly enjoy it, it doesn’t make a difference. However, since the answer was yes, I came all over her perfectly shaped tits.
Anyway, this isn’t an erotic story, it’ll have more smoky details to it if it were – this is meant to illustrate the No Strings Attached (TM) oxymoron.
It was the very first No Strings Attached relationship I’ve been in – she didn’t expect me to call or anything like that…and I have much respect for that. A person, nay a wild horse like me, something that cannot be tamed – kindred souls.
No strings attached, no Fine Print (TM).
You have proved me wrong eh. π

i applaud you for being so honest and writing about what you really feel :))))))))))))
u sounds damn desperate!
aud: Thanks Aud! π
Yeah, it is quite liberating to do that. =D
foodcrazee: Eh really? It was very, very mutual bro. π
VERY mutual. =D
Welcome back sixthseal.com π
haha some client (potential/existing) is gn read this and go ‘shit a brick!’
wow naughty naughty …. i gonna tell mummy =p j/k
lucky you dint write beyond it otherwise this site gotta be rated as SX18
Darren: Haha! Thanks, it’s good to be back! π
JoyceTheFairy: Yeah, I bet there would be. Oh well as the saying goes (it’s actually from Jarhead) – “There is no speech that is free, you pay for every single word that comes out of your motherfucking mouth”. π
fufu: Heh! My Bedtime Stories can be quite erotic, but that’s not the point I wanted to make in this post. π
did Malaysia ever have any world famous artist before?
Hi HB, I was going to mention about the recent blandness of your blog..but whom am I to question this. All these food posts are ok, but then if I wanted to read about malaysian food, then I’d read KYSpeaks.com
I guess we all change and develop over time, but that’s life. Don’t worry ..I’m sure many loyal readers will always read and come back to see your latest adventure. And there’s only one HB in this world.
WEEN: There’s Zee Avi, she’s a musician and from Sarawak too! π
Jeff: Yeah, I know what you mean, been meaning to write this post for a while. π
What I REALLY, REALLY (double positive) want to write about, I still can’t due to legality issues. π
enjoyed reading this post! no matter what u write, i’ll always be a reader =)
Wootz.. more bedtime stories in future? π
I once have this “no string attached” relationship with this rather cool Malaysian girl in the UK…but i was the one who tried to pull the string and she became my ex. She never intend to though…guess i’m not cool enough to keep on buzzing her…
dont let others command on ur life or what u wana do or write… π
u made me felt guilty again after read ur post as i ever told a girl no commitment if we have 1 nite stand but actually we had few times meet up and learning and enjoying…im so the guilty as she still virgin… :O
she can b no feeling towards this sex frens thing but in the end i had feeling..im the 1 say no commitment end of days but im d 1 reli feel guilty n wana b together…
i think maybe somedays i should write up my sexperience… π
there is no such thing as “no string attached relationship”. If its NSA then it shouldn’t be a relationship. Because in every relationship there’s a certain degree of attachment. Dude, u better make up your mind whether it is NSA or a relationship.
is this the official flag of sixthseal? t-shirt time!
That’s the 6thseal I remember, almost.
Dude, ever heard of co-parenting? It’s the best, you shag like rabbits and then go your separate ways, and shag other people too. When the kid comes along, you handball it around.
But too bad, you can’t have any of these. Jestina won’t alllow this, unfortunately.
Jess: Thanks Jess! Appreciate your continued support! π
It means a lot to me. π
ahlost: Haha! Sure, you want to apply izzit? π
Kidding, kidding, all Bedroom Stories are fiction. π
Charles: I know what you mean, every man has been snared before by a superior girl player. π
Myself included. I was in this idiotic relationship for AGES where the other half wrapped me around her little finger. Fuck, never again. Never again. π
ah nel: Heh! Yeah, it’ll be interesting to read. No strings attached – there always is one, actually. It’s just invisible at the beginning until you feel a slight tug, turn around, and realized you’re snared. π
Jerine: Hmm…interesting position. What would you call it then? Friends with benefits? Coz if the other person would make a good friend, I would like it to remain so. No point in wasting a perfectly good friendship, right? π
WEEN: Haha! No, the official flag is “Leading the wild into the ways of the men” or “Something wicked this way comes” depending on when you ask me since those two taglines are rather contradictory. π
fish fish: Yup, the days of yore. Sigh, how I miss blogging about stuff I really want to blog about. I think in between advertorials is fine, you shouldn’t look as a blog as a whole but the sum of its parts – what a blog can offer you e.g. think of it like FHM. You might not agree with their scantily clad women but you’ll still want to get media space coz of their readership. π
rocket: It sounds like an open relationship to me – I’ve friends who’re in relationships like that, and it’s VERY hard to manage from what I see. π
Haha! I doubt she’ll even consider me anymore after reading this. π
hahaha, yah, what does jestina say!?
KY: Haha! No idea man. π
Dude, classic literature, your bedtime stories made lonesome guys wet their bed. Don’t worry, you can always run advertorial for the pakchik who sales Gambir Sarawak at Kuching waterfront.
e: Heh! Cheers bro. π
You’re not a lonesome guy, you’re married. π
Haha! I just wanted to write a post I feel like writing. π
You’re back! Lol… Love this post. I think this is truly a “NTA” relationship. Many speaks of it but no one knows what it truly mean. Cheers!
Ya man! Friends with benefits is a better term. Friends sound more casual. And you’re both friends anyway right? With just extra benefits…
you should get a tat of that “Leading the wild into the ways of the men” though i believe that was the old hb.
now it should be leading the wild into the ways of a gentleman.
Co-parenting is the best. It’s married separated. Why is it hard?
You don’t get any of the crap a standard marriage. No nagging, no picking up dirty undies, etc etc.
Jester, HB is a good bloke, I vouch for him, should take him home to meet the parents for CNY.
HB, better used the winnings from Genting to buy something nice for uncle and aunty.
eiling: What is a NTA relationship? No Tali Attached? π
Haha! Yeah, oh wait, this reminds me, I HAVE had a NSA relationship before – and the best thing is we’re still friends! Yay! =D
Jerine: Yeah, I prefer the term “friends with benefits too”. π
Yup, friends…but with the benefits clause added in. π
WEEN: Heh! Your proposed tagline is a little bit too long. π
Good one though.
rocket: Hmm…true to a certian extent, but then I’ll prefer a standard, boring marriage any day. π
Haha! Thanks for the vote of confidence!
nice, been reading sixthseal since 2006 and miss stuff like this your the only blog ive ever read but i think your writing and all somehow was much better when you were still using or should i say inspired haha
=) cheers!
ROFL, hardly bedtime fodder unless you’re wanking off to xxx b4 bed. pass the tissue please..
Yeah…the world is equal in the sense that man get fool around as well not only the opposite sex
ewen: Thanks ewen! Verily, thy speaketh the truth! π
I write MUCH better on methamphetamine, but in the end it just fucks you up even more. It’s very neurotoxic, and your lifestyle on it contributes to eat (no sleep, no food for days). That’s why I quit. π
ciki: Here you go, catch! π
Hmm…I should practise my erotica skillz, I can write reasonable well sex stories. I’m told I’m quite a cunning linguist too. Haha!
Charles: Both genders are players nowadays, it’s gender equality! =D
Wow you’re my man !!
yeah man, all the best musicians and djs are/were prolly users of some kind! maybe you could write a book one day, would be sweet but make you sure you snort a line 1st π
did you go back another time for seconds?
Eriku: Cheers bro! π
Heh! It’s not as fun as it sounds trust me. The grass is always greener and all that.
What I wouldn’t give to be a married man to the right person. π
ewen: Thanks mate! I think it’ll be more than a line if I really want to write about my life experience. π
I have actually considered it you know, take 1 year off, write 3 books while using meth.
But yeah, meth doesn’t pay for itself. π
SJC: Haha! FINE is a disclaimer. The only fictitious part about this post is the “2 years” bit. π
Wooh bro! Erotic stories for bedtime ftw!
LOL..still sound wow to me..:)
Finally you understand! I used to comment here all the time in the past 4 or 5 years, but stopped about 5 months ago. I told you back then your blog was getting too ‘not you’. I enjoyed the story much. Thanks.
wise, very wise, HB. I grew up in a rural area, farm animals, and all. in the mid atlantic states. I remember, the first time I fucked. about 13 and came home. and was beatin around the bush. my dad, who was a a repected policeman told me, what, you think you invented it? my brother and sister were 10 years younger than me, at the time. but I still got nervous around my Mom. until we watched a great movie, which featured the word fuck predominately. I was shocked. but She was ok. She had three kids, none of us born bt osmosis. though I could not imagine her fucking. Grandma had died. she had 11 kids. one set of twins, died in childbirth…. two others in early childbirth, but seven that lived, one including my dad.. but she said lord have mercy, loving is a good thing. if I hadnt, you would not be here… call it what you want, but we did not hatch or replicate . and though she was methodist and later babtist, and there were some gays in her bunch… all she said was “Lord knows best, not for me to say”. just like own my mom, an episcopal, methodist, and later, pentecostal, who liked to fuck… but is not nesecarry to say it so crude… I … well… I would never say that word in front of your momma, and She knows…. tis a bit of respect…
there are ALWAYS stings attached. just be careful. and modify. think “look homeward angel” and he wasnt even very good, if youve ever read that stuff. yet he is venerated now, where I live, in asheville, nc. even presreved and rebuilt his boarding house home. for the tourists. “the old kentucky home”. shit. closest he ever got to KY was getting on a train to lexington. til yhe brought him back. Like ” O Henrey”. also buried here in riverside cemetary… a nice place… gotta keep the niggers, jews, fags, and rif raff out… especially those fucking scotts and italians…. wait what…
know what, HB? I lke reading your stuff. not cause its refined and edited, but because it comes from the heart. thats what keeps me reading your writting. its interesting. if I want edited, Ill read a mcpaper – usa today. Thanks
Ryan: Heh! Cheers mate! π
Eriku: Thanks! π
Mike: Glad you like it mate! I enjoyed writing it too, which is the most important thing. π
tom: Thanks for the words of wisdom! Yeah, I bet there’s always strings attached but in certain cases, there are none. Very rare though.
Cheers for the vote of confidence!
Take care and be well my friend! π
NSA = Friends with benefits..
been through some myself, and eventhough it’s called NSA, there will still be some VERY FINE strings, but i prefer to call those fine strings “friendships” cause both are on their own way of life/rships but somehow both are drawn together by friendship and maybe with a lil bit more “benefits”…
so, word of precaution, once u set the ground rules, stick with it, if not you’ll only hurt yourself.
Keep on writing for yourself and not for advertisers… that is what attracted me to your blog in the first place… warts and all…ok, if the money is too good create one where your real personality comes out…(email me first alright)
man i see all the previous top bloggers all writing for advertorial and to please potential advertisers.. where is all the flame wars.. kinda miss the chaotic old days…
AWESOMEE postt =)
shimmers999: Yup, very wise words indeed…speaking from experience? π
Anyway, I agree, tis a fine line to be stepping into, this friends with benefits thing…you have to prevent it from degenerating into just fuck buddies if you enjoy the friendship. π
eksk: Haha! Yeah, I totally get what you mean. Sure thing mate, I have plans for castitas.com to be back up actually. Not sure if you’re interested in reading that but it’s a pet project of mine. π
Mizz Sharon: Thanks Sharon! Appreciate the kind comments. π
gong hei fatt choi , dear huaibin!
But I should say Welcome back Sixthseal.com!
I love this post, haha, just like reading some sex stories! And thats the poh huai bin that I knew.
Please post more posture u did ha! hahaha… and tell me the reason why she din moan when she came!
I hate those adv post.. really this is so much more interesting!
goolooloo: Haha! Thank you, thank you.
Post more pictures ah? Have to get permission one you know, even this super mosaic one damn hard to get the green light dy. π
Hey, you’re married now! I come visit! I expect ang pow! π
I don’t get it. How did she prove you wrong?
No Unnerstand: I actually have amnesia, she was not the one who proved me wrong, there was someone before that who is the fucking epitome of friends with benefits. π
does her name starts with C and ends with either Z or E? π
What and who: Nope! π
This happened 2 years ago la, I didn’t even know the person you’re talking about then. π
now u do π shes got pretty good suction eh ? π
dont deny. u know it. wakakka
who and whyοΌNope, nothing like that happened at all. :p
No comment from here. π
you know i know la π too much winking is making my eye sore
who and what: I stick to my original no comment statement. π
Okay, okay enough winking. π
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