Bah Kut Teh Recipe #3: Bak kut teh soup with pig’s heart
A proper bak kut teh dish MUST have pork in it. It doesn’t matter what cut of pork (or offal) but the oink must be in the soup at some point.
This is the third and final installment of a three-step cooking process with my bak kut teh recipe. The first one is Chik kut teh with oily chicken rice and the second is the simple Bak kut teh ramen with drumstick and egg.
Here comes the final dish of the series (sorry for the delay) where the bak kut teh soup has been stewed through all those two recipes, absorbing all the tastes and flavors in the process. The soup is delicious. It’s orgasmic. It just needs:
A bleeding heart! *cue “We have a bleeder!”
Well, a pig’s heart anyway. These things are pretty cheap, you can get a whole pig’s heart for about RM 4. I’ve cooked with pig’s heart before and can attest to the taste and texture of this wonderful organ in the portfolio of porcine delights.
Start by slicing the pig heart into manageable pieces…
…before dumping it into the soup. There’s a lot of clotted blood inside the poor pink animal’s heart and you might want to remove that or just cook it as clotted blood. It really doesn’t make much of a difference as long as you wash it first. π
Let the pig’s heart simmer for about 30 minutes and you’ll end your bak kut teh adventures on a high note. The broth is hearty and the pig’s heart is chewy and absorbs all the flavors, producing a delectable slice of <3.

I made BKT with chicken for my parents ysterday. :)I love pig’s heart too!
Nice! I’m sure they loved it! π
Nothing like a nice meal of BKT. It’s chicken soup for the soul. π
Me too! I love all sorts of innards – pig’s heart, pig’s blood. There isn’t anything I won’t eat. π
Eyewwwww…..look like scenes from some horror flick. But it does look good after you were through with it. Hey! You ARE good in the kitchen, I see. I wouldn’t know what to do with the heart…
Heh! Thanks Arthur! π
Appreciate the kind comments!
It’s not that hard to do though, cooking pig’s heart I meant.
It’s also the second time I did it, the first time I tried cooking the pig’s heart whole.
It didn’t turn out very well but it was edible. π
Why the label there wrote Pork Liver lol, so misleading. Actually bro, you should throw the raw meat into a boiling water for about a minute or 2 to reduced the gamey taste of the meat before you cook it in the broth, so that the broth won’t mixed with the gamey taste of the raw meat too.
Heh! Nice pair of eyes bro! π
I didn’t notice it until much later too. It’s so obviously a heart that I wouldn’t know how they could have made that mistake.
I love the gamey taste of red meat though, which is why I eat so much red meat.
…not just the traditional red meat mind, but I’ll only eat certain parts of the chicken e.g. drumsticks and thighs but never breasts. π
now that’s a hearty meal! π
Haha! Nice pun bro! π
Yeah, I’m not a huge fan of soups but as this goes it’s pretty good!
It’s a bit of a tonic, tastes good and supposed to be good for you too. π
Dude, it’d be a totally awesome picture if you stab the heart with sharp knife, with dripping blood and all…
Awesome idea bro! π
I’ll need a fresh pig’s heart for that though.
Not something you can get at the hypermarket, probably at a butcher or someplace.
It would make a nice photo eh? π
BKT with meaty meat is alright.. but with pig’s heart? err.. *gulp* o.O
I’m not sure about Klang but in KK you can get BKT with ALL sorts of innards. π
You can get it with pig intestines, heart, liver etc.
It’s quite unique, they serve it in small bowls instead of one communal pot.
Not for everyone though, some people don’t eat the stuff inside the animal but I love it. π
I don’t remember trying pig’s heart but, I am a BIG fan of pork liver!
Hello Lynthia! π
The taste and texture is different, you should try pig’s heart!
It’s absolutely fabulous!
I like the “sandy” taste of pig’s liver (all liver has that characteristic in fact) but with the heart if you cook it right it doesn’t come out tough and has a nice texture to it.
It’s quite versatile too, works well with most methods of cooking. π
it has an uncanny ressemblance to a human heart…
Mmm…human heart. π
Yeah, I read somewhere that a pig is quite similar in makeup to human skin so they use it for testing stuff e.g. burns.
Interesting stuff bro. π
yes, in fact we actually use porcine heart valves for transplant purposes in humans. particularly atrioventricular valves.
Yeah, I read about that! π
Heart transplants using pig organs…pretty good advances eh?
Last I read it wasn’t ready for mass usage though, wonder if that has changed. π
not too sure about mass usage due to certain religious restrictions but its already listed as a strong possibility.
Yeah, two out of the three Abrahamic religions won’t be able to use it but it could be a boon for people without those restrictions.
…beats being on donor lists anyway. π‘
I’ve seen people’s organs fail and it’s not a pretty way to go.
HB, pig heart is reasonable price for organ meats in States. I made a dish also with it and taste not bad at all. Of course my cat like it very much too.
Yeah, it’s actually cheap almost everywhere. π
I remember buying lamb’s brains when I was studying in Melbourne.
It’s actually quite good when you cook it eggs – makes a delicious omelet. π
I haven’t seen any lamb brains around here though, so I haven’t been able to cook that here.
Eh, can you feed a cat stuff like this? I’m concerned about feeding cats raw meat, there might be a lot of parasites and other nasty stuff inside which would make them sick.
HB, no! I cooked it very well for my cat and make sure of it. I am a vet so very careful of it.
Oh! I didn’t know you were a vet! π
Interesting! π
I have a cat in Sibu, I don’t feed it anything except cat food though coz when I feed her scraps from the table, she seems to get sick (pukes it up).
Maybe it’s just my overly salty cooking. π‘
I shall pay you a visit when I’m in San Fancisco. π