Ipoh Special Rojak is a stall at Hai Pa Wang,
a popular seafood restaurant in Kuching. I didn’t even remember going
there until I saw the pictures and from that I deduced that the
combination of the remainder of an eighth of Shine On Georgia Moon
together with 4 tablets of Dormicum 15 mg (midazolam) and smoking weed
with Cherie collectively gave me anterograde amnesia.
I seriously did not remember anything about going out last night
until I saw that there were images in my digital camera from last night
and then it all flashed back to me (no pun intended). I went out in a
daze at approximately 10 pm in search for nourishment (nutritionists
use the terminology “food”) and dropped by Luconia to meet up with
Cherie before going to Hai Pa Wang. I wanted to eat fish.
This person approached our table as we were seated at Hai Pa Wang
and asked us if we wanted to try some “Ipoh Special Rojak”. She said
that it’s totally different from the Sarawak implementation, and having
developed symptoms of a serious case of the muchies, I said alright,
bring it on.
She brought it on…the rojak is stoner’s heaven man, like totally.
Excuse my temporary lapse in linguistics. Anyway, the Ipoh Special
Rojak was topped with sweet rojak sauce and pork floss, creating a
wonderful topping. There were several unusual things in the rojak as
well, which I could not identify in my state of intoxication but there
was something very interesting with a chewy texture. Highly recommended!
…and God damn it, no pun intended. π
Anyway, we ordered quite a lot of seafood, overestimating our
cannabis induced appetites and there was this huge fish (gestures with
hands) that we ordered and NO ONE had room for it anymore. It all boils
down to one person…someone of great testicular fortitude (or
gastronomic fortitude rather) to finish the damn thing. That person
also happens to be me, unfortunately drawing the shortest straw.
I started digging my way into the fish, and it was a bit of a
challenge to finish even one side of the fish, but I was determined to
finish the fucking thing. I started working my way though it…
…and finally managed to get one side of the fish into the deep,
dark bowels of my intestines. I’m very optimistic at that moment and
I’m sure I could finish it with my cannabis induced appetite…even if
I had another half of a large whole fish to eat.
The fish was flipped over and I was initially overwhelmed by the sheer amount of fish that I still had to eat, but not being one to renegade on my words, I firmly planted my will into consuming the damned fish.
…and by the grace of God (or weed), I did it! Jesus Christ, I
can’t believe that I forgot all about that when I woke up this morning
and only remembered my gastronomical feat when I reviewed my digicam
and all the memories came rushing back.
Eating a whole fish is not something to sneeze at. I totally pwned that fish kau kau…
Anyway, I’ve gotta go to the toilet now…I’ll be flying to KL early
tomorrow morning on a business trip and I’ll be there till the weekend
so you know the number to call.
…er, actually, you probably don’t since I changed it. It’s 016 888 3166.