We had a power failure lasting about 30 minutes during the second
day of the ICT 04, Kuching expo. It was complete darkness for several
seconds before the backup generators kicked in and the emergency lights
went on. That dim light sources were all we had until power was
This is Ivy from the booth opposite ours. She’s very friendly and
nice, considering the way I was taking advantage of their candy bowl:
The blue ones are the best, caramel, pure blast of sugar…mmm…
Here are some photos from day two:
This is a beautiful blue neon transparent case mod with a large flat screen LCD.
Flat video screens…
Old skool lobby style pitching…all of whom scattered upon seeing my digicam. π
WCG 2004 contestants playing Need for Speed: Underground.
Here’s another case mod…a nice aquarium design with plastic fishes and a water system enclosed on one side.
There was also free Boh tea being served. Umph!
…and the customary video walkthrough
Download: ICT 2004, Day 2 [sixthseal.com]