I was driving to a client meeting with DBKU (which is the city
council for Kuching North) when I saw this goat by the roadside. DBKU
HQ is located opposite Kuching city (there’s a river separating the two
districts) and the area is less developed than Kuching, so there’s
still plenty of nature and animals like goats and cows (privately
owned, bred for food and left to graze on public property).
I decided to make some small talk with her as she looked lonely, and I was early for the meeting anyway.
The conversation went something like this:
Me: Mmmeeeeekkkkk!
Goat: Mmmeeeekkkk!
Me: Mmmeeeekkk!
Goat: Meeekkkk!
I seem to lack the linguistic capacity to communicate with the goat
though, because she turned her back on me and resolutely ignored me
after several unsuccessful exchanges. I think that’s rather rude of
her…I know I may not speak Goat well, and I may have accents which
further complicates the comprehension of my phrases, but that’s no way
to treat a well-meaning, friendly stranger. π
Anyway, if you haven’t had contact with a goat before (all you city
folks out there), yes, they do reply when you say “Mmmeeeeekkk” to
emulate a goat’s bleating. There’s this friend of mine who makes it a
point to roll down her car window and go “Mmmeeekkk!” enthusiastically
every time she passes by this goat near the race track in Sibu.
Goats really do reply.
I’m totally serious, try it next time you see one.