I got these from ff (see post below) during the weekend – it’s from
Japan, and since I can’t read the script, except the Romanized “choco”
word, I thought it would just be perfect for a sweet ending to the
dinner I just had. I’m in the habit of eating something sweet after a
salty meal…
Closer scrutiny reveals a photo of mochi – the glutinous rice based
food, and this looks a lot like the ones we eat at the paternal side of
the family during the festival. The maternal side makes it into a soup,
while we eat it dry, with either colored sugar (red), finely grounded
peanuts (optionally mixed with brown sugar) or both. There is an
outline of a peanut on the wrapper, so I figured I’m in for a treat.
There are two wrappers – the outer decorative one the inner
protective one, which reveals a confectionary that looks like toffee. I
took a bite of it…
…and it has that melt-in-your mouth, saliva inducing soft and
chewy texture of mochi together with a peanut jelly filling which
tastes like peanuts. The integration of different and unexpected
textures is impressive – I couldn’t help but eat all of them.
It tastes more like toffee than chocolate, but they’re both cool with me, so it’s all good. π
Anyway, I’m going to pack now – will be going on the 7 am flight out
of Kuching tomorrow and I’ll be staying at Cititel Hotel, Mid Valley
(the one just beside it) while I’m in KL.