This is my answer

I know you don’t like me to write about our relationship, so I won’t.

veritas and is gone.

I willingly deleted all of my drug posts. I will be lying if it
didn’t hurt me to delete all those memories. This will totally ruin the
PageRank and SERPs I’ve worked so hard for. You know how much means to me.

I don’t care about those now. I’m doing this willingly. πŸ™‚
I want to know that you’re more important than anything else.

2002 – 2004
Pioneer and daredevil
May the memory live on…

Those that will remember me will, and those that will forget, will forget.

I know that this would not be enough, nothing ever will be…but at least it’s a start.

This is a small token of my sincerity, my love.

I will try my best to be the boyfriend that I never was. I will try
my best to do the right thing. I am willing to do that, because you’ve
more than I could wish for.

I choose you, Louisa.
This is my answer.

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