Mmm…half price for everything at the Roberts Hall shop. Too bad
they’re all out of Twix. That’s my new favourite bar, but Mars bars are
pretty good too. I saw a lot of V/Red Bull energy drinks, but I’m too
loaded with caffeine now anyway. I have another IE client meeting
tomorrow, so I’m staying up to finish my stuff.
roberts hall
Roberts Hall annual photo
The annual Roberts Hall photo for 2002 was taken today at 6 pm. The photos
will not be out till later, but here are some preliminary shots:
6:05 pm People start arranging themselves. The guy with specs with his
arms crossed is the photographer.
6:08 pm A formation starts becoming apparent.
6:12 pm This is the view from the top.
6:27 pm This is my next door neighbor, Michelle Yuen. The room beside mine used
to be occupied by a guy named Glenn but for reasons unknown, he moved out
early this semester and Michelle moved in.
6:31 pm This is Jessica Albin who lives three rooms down. I couldn’t find my
other neighbor from two rooms down. There are 4 rooms in a floor of each stairway.
6:37 pm People milling around after the session. The girl in the red dress, the
guy with the bluish tie, the girl in the blue wraparound and the girl in
the purple dress (partially off frame) all live one floor above mine.