…no, get your mind out of the gutter. π
sixthseal.com was down for nearly two days coz my previous host suspended my account without notifying me of the reason(s) or replying to any of my emails. I think it’s due to the content from the archives, but somehow, from browsing through web hosting forums, it seems that the hosting company in question has a less-than-stellar reputation, to say the least.
I know I have been overloading their server (it seems that they only have one) from the CGI pulls and I have noticed my blog getting slower and slower especially when commenting. That would probably have been the prime reason my account was suspended without any feedback from their end and thus, I have lost all the posts and comments.
However, thanks to Google cache, I can start rebuilding the blog, and I will be doing that over the days. I have paid for two years with my previous host but it was relatively cheap (about USD 120) so I guess you get what you pay for. I have switched to a VPS now, which was what sixthseal.com was running on before I went for my enforced vacation. π It’s one of the best and though it’s not cheap, at least I can rely on it for good uptime and performance.
My apologies to all readers of sixthseal.com for the downtime. I will need some time to start rebuilding the blog since I don’t have a backup (in the grand tradition of sixthseal.com =_=!!!) so please bear with me while the process is slogging along. I will be concentrating on bringing the 2008 posts up first before resuming the Hari ini Dalam Sejarah project.
Thanks for reading, and my apologies for ranting a bit, I feel like I owe everyone an explanation. Cheers! π
The phoenix will rise again…
It always does. π