Imagine all the people…this is John Lemon, a play on John Lennon
[]. This Magnum isn’t ice cream, but sherbet! It’s
really good, if you like sherbet. Very…thirst quenching. π It’s
finally going to cool down to 8 degrees Celsius – 14 degrees Celsius
tomorrow. It was still pushing the low 30s today, but the strong winds
made things better. It sure kicked up a whole lot of sand though, it
was dusty all around Clayton. It reminded me of a scene from Dune or
Iraq. π Not sure if that’s sand, smog or smoke though.
This is the cover:
A yellow wrapper with two lemons slices made to look like his trademark glasses. Simple but effective design.
This is the back:
We lay in bed until we created this ice cream. Imagine all the zesty
lemon sherbet living life in peaceful white chocolate. Just try letting
that be.
This is the Magnum:
Lemon sherbet encased in a white chocolate shell. Nice.
This is the stick:
Imagine If You’d Eaten It In Bed
One last one to go. π Well, that’s it from me today. I’m turning in early coz I gotta wake up early tomorrow.
Link of the Day: Actiq Oral Transmucosal Fentanyl Citrate []
Mmm…fentanyl lollipops…;)