You don’t get to 500 million enemies without making a few friends.
I this.
I can’t wait to catch this movie. The Social Network is now the #1 grossing movie in Hollywood and it’s all about Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg. As with most people, I started out with Friendster and switched to Facebook. Despite the fact that this movie is based on a book in which no Facebook staff is consulted, including Zuckerberg, it still intrigues me.
I still remember the early days of Facebook – they had really awful banner ads in black and white that goes something like “Find Your Friends” but for the Google Images of me I can’t find it now. Nevermind! This is about The Social Network:
I don’t care if it hurts. I wanna have control. I wanna perfect body. I wanna perfect soul. I want you to notice when I’m not around.
The Social Network screening details:
Date: 1 Nov (Mon)
Time: 9 pm
Venue: GSC Mid Valley
Ticket collection: 8 pm till 9 pm
I’ll keep this short and simple. I’ve got 19 tickets to give away so if you want one just comment and say:
I Like This!
(insert why you want to watch The Social Network)
The ticket collection will be handled by Nuffnang so please ensure that your email address when you comment is accurate so I can email you and get your full name. Please state if you want a +1 so I can allocate two tickets for you.
I love Mark Zuckerberg’s take on the unauthorized movie – We build products that 500 million people see. If 5 million people see a movie, it doesn’t really matter that much.
FUIYOH! That’s confidence for you.