Photo Friday – Solitude []
Solitude. This is a late entry. π I took the photo this afternoon –
it’s a single “laughing bag” sitting in solitude on top of a vacuum
tube amplifier. The laughing bag is a novelty item which emits this
peeling and slightly manic laughter when you give it a squeeze. I got
it about two years ago, and the battery is still running strong. I know
someone with Down Syndrome in her late 40s who LOVES this thing, it
always makes her laugh, and that’s a good thing. π Dogs like it too,
but my cat is apprehensive of the sounds of mirth this laughing bag
The shooting data:
Focal Length: 8mm
Exposure Mode: Programmed Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern 1/335.5 sec – f/2.8
Exposure Compensation: 0 EV
Sensitivity: Auto
White Balance: Auto
AF Mode: AF-C
Saturation Compensation: 0
The post-production work was done in Photoshop 7.0 and involves:
Image Size: Size reduced from 2048×1536 to 500×375