Taman Selera is dead. Long live Taman Selera.
It’s actually Taman Harmoni now…there was a popular place for
supper called Taman Selera in Sibu (we just call it “kampung tau”
though). However, sometime between the last time I was back and now,
the place has moved, as can be seen in the picture above. I was like
wtf? We had arranged to meet at kampung tau and the place seems to have
New Taman Selera (Taman Harmoni)
I was informed that there was a new one now, just right behind the
old place. This one is much larger (at least it seems that way) than
the old one, though the old Taman Selera retains a certain charm this
new sanitized and homogenous one does not radiate. It’s a semi circle
of stalls, with er…a decidedly hemogenous layout. Can’t say much more
than that really, even the store signboards are standardized.
Interesting Nasi Goreng Pataya
Anyway, I had nasi goreng pattaya, and instead of the flat egg
wrapped rice I was expecting, this one came in the standard rice bowl
sized package! I was wondering how they managed to wrap the omelette
around this unorthodox rice dump. It came with chicken, salted fish,
cucumbers and sambal. It tasted pretty good.
This is us at Taman Harmoni. Clockwise from left is me, Adrian, Hie
Ing (Adrian’s gf), er…sorry I forgot your name, Pheobe or Phoebe
(phew, remembered this one, if only for the easy to remember name), and
Christopher. I thought I had dropped the “two drinks each meal”
routine, but apparently not. Anyway, here’s a look at the washbasins of
Taman Harmoni (also standardized):
There’s one for every size and shape. Harmonious wash basins. I liked this design.