Valerine’s birthday @ MC3

val birthday me

Valerine + some guy with a Santa hat. Santa hat courtesy of Cherie from Luconia.

val birthday mc3

Her birthday was held at MC3 starting 10 pm – seats were reserved
and boxes of beer distributed. The one is the middle is Val’s sister,
who’s a really nice and friendly person, though I don’t think she was
amused by the non-alcoholic Substance Which Shall Not Be Named which I
supplied. πŸ˜‰

val birthday flaming

This is Val drinking a flaming cocktail – composed of several liquors and a ring of licking flames…

val birthday drink

…and I don’t have a caption for this one coz I’m too scattered.

val birthday sister

Val with her sister – wanted to get a shot of them together.

val birthday wishes

Happy birthday, Val! πŸ™‚

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