A bunch of us programmers left at about 6 pm yesterday and grabbed
some dinner before going to the bowling center. We ate at Restaurant
Hameed Ali (pictured above). It’s somewhere in Ampang…near Ampang
Point if I recall correctly.
There’s this interesting thing that I’ve never seen before…they
have pre-packed nasi lemak in paper on the tables! It looks like every
table has a plate in the middle with about 5 nasi lemak packs. It’s
like the way small towns in Sarawak are with eggs – they put boiled
eggs on the each table. Interesting. That’s what all of us ate anyway,
except Chia who had another roti telur. He picked up the bill, thanks!
Here’s a group shot – from left: Kok Sing (partially hidden), Giat
Yeng, Huai Bin (me), Wang and Chia. One of the people working at the
restaurant took the photo, so my apologies for the blurry and partially
cut off shot. Most people tend to press hard on the shutter release
(which causes the image to blur).
Anyway, I’ll update with the actual bowling photos during lunch, I’m
just taking a short break from work. Will reply all comments during
lunch hour. π