OK, if anyone hasn’t figured it out by now, the webcam is not working. I’m
behind a really restrictive proxy so I don’t have direct FTP access. I do
have full access via my Unix account, but to automate my webcam, I need to
write a shell script, and I don’t have time to do that now. I’m swamped
with assignments and I have a test to study for too. I will get it up and
working by next weekend the latest. Anyway, I’ve decided that I’ve lived in
darkness for long enough, which was why I got a table lamp just now. My
room lamp is broken, and two trips by the electrician isn’t enough to fix
it. Apparently the bulb shorts out in a couple of minutes. I don’t know
what’s going on with that, but I’m not going to live in darkness one more
day. Its depressing. My lotus lamp casts a nice purple glow doesn’t it?