I went to Sibu Superbowl today for some bowling action. There was a 9 pin
tag competition going on too, so we had to wait for a bit before a lane
was available. I think I’ve only bowled about 3 times before in my life
but it should be fun. My fingers were numb by the end of the session
because bowling uses muscles in my hands that I haven’t used in years. Heh.
We played for a total of two rounds, and I came in last. Johnny played a
couple of times before so he did pretty well. Daniel is a novice too, but
had a bit of practice a couple of weeks ago, and managed to get a score
close to Johnny’s courtesy of three strikes. I didn’t get a strike, but I
did get a spare, so I’m pretty happy with that. Anyway, we were using Lane
22, which has a bit of an anomaly with the pin grasping machine. A 1 point
score is guaranteed each time because the machine only grasps 9 pins
instead of 10 and thus 1 pin will be swept away each time when it resets.
That probably boosted my score a bit too. =D
6SEAL = Huai Bin (me)
SUCKA = Johnny
NIEL = Daniel
Not off to a good start. The 1 mark is due to the glitch, my ball went
into the drain both times.
The anomaly. Look at that one pin that wasn’t felled but is about to get
swept away by the bar because the machine didn’t pick it up.
End of first round: 47, 91, 86
End of second round: 115, 231, 176
how will 49ers match up without gore running.
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