There was a meet the athletes thing going on to promote sports among
students at Pintu Gerbang this afternoon. These are the local athletes who
are going to compete in
SUKMA 2002
[] in 55 days. SUKMA is a contraction of SUKan MAlaysia,
the national amateur sports competition. I was under the impression that
the event will be from 4:30 pm till 8:30 pm. I went there at around 6:15
pm and the event has just ended. Heh. They were already packing up their
stuff, but the athletes were still there to sign posters and T-shirts.
The autograph signing booth.
55 days till SUKMA IX 2002.
The athletes. The first one is Amira (Swimming).
The athletes from another end. The first one is Irene (Wushu).