I had supper with Daniel and Yi Ching just now at Taman Selera Muhibah (aka Ching San) in
Yi Ching is going back tomorrow, the holidays have finally ended for all of us. Daniel is
leaving for Singapore on Sunday and I’m heading back to Melbourne next Monday. Anyway, we headed to
Wong Nai Siong Memorial Park after that. Interesting place, the courtyard and steps contains tufts
of real grass built into the stone.
Well, I have to choose my subjects for the next semester today. I’m still thinking about whether
I should repeat one of the programming subjects that I failed. Those are electives, so I don’t
really need to, but it will be good to have a programming specialization. I hear Allocate +, the
Monash University tutorial allocation system, goes online tomorrow morning as well. I better wake
up early before all the good time slots are taken.