Above is the Christmas tree at Wisma Sanyan that I took several
weeks before, but never posted up. It should have been taken down by
now though…at least I think it has. I’m feeling rather uninspired
today and went browsing thru my sadly sparse (due to an accidental culling
[sixthseal.com]) collection of Sibu photos for one which I haven’t
posted yet, since I haven’t taken much photos since I came over.
Hmm…I’m rambling. Anyway, I have a supervisor meeting at 8:15 am
again tomorrow, which means I’ll need to be up by 6 am for my daily
upon-waking-up bowel movement, so I’m heading to bed. Meanwhile, amuse
yourself with Trinity Methodist Church’s collection of MP3 sermons
[tmc.org.my]. Our family used to go to this church before we moved to
Sibu. Several of the (guest?) sermons are done by pastors which used to
be attached to Wesley Methodist Church in Sibu, like Rev. Lenita Tiong,
Khoo Ho Pin and Tie King Tai. For some reason, there has been no
recently added stuff though.

If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.