Photo Friday – Angles []
Angles. This is a photo of Federation Square
[], a relatively new structure filled with
angles located in the center of Melbourne (Australia) city. The picture
only shows a very small portion of the whole construct. The
construction of this large project was received with mixed responses
[]. It was officially opened on the 26th of October 2002,
but some features were not fully in place at that time. The most
memorable comment I heard about it was this taxi driver who said “Look at this ugly building. I don’t know what the fuck the government is thinking. It’s ruining the city.” One of my friends replied “Well, it does have a certain artistic quality to it…” and the driver made a “pfft” sound and said “I still think it’s terrible.”
🙂 Personally, I like Federation Square, it’s unique and nicely built.
This has the potential of becoming an “icon” of Melbourne like Sydney’s
Opera House. There’s quite a bit of interesting features about it, the
official site is a good read if you’re interested. I took this photo
four days ago in an attempt to document Melbourne in photos before I
leave for good in two days. The weather was not optimal (drizzling +
misty) but the focus seems unaffected.
The shooting data:
Focal Length: 8mm
Exposure Mode: Programmed Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern 1/372.5 sec – f/2.8
Exposure Compensation: 0 EV
Sensitivity: Auto
White Balance: Auto
AF Mode: AF-C
Saturation Compensation: 0
The post-production work was done in Photoshop 7.0 and involves:
Gamma correction: Gamma increased to improve visibility
Image Size: Size reduced from 2048×1536 to 500×375

Very informative post. Thanks for taking the time to share your view with us.
Completely understand what your stance in this matter. Though I’d disagree on some of the finer particulars, I feel you did an awesome job explaining it. Sure beats having to analysis it on my own. Thanks. Anyway, in my language, there aren’t much good supply like this.
Very cool blog
hey just stumbled on your blog, its very interesting, especially that info… thx. i just bookmarked it. btw, wheres your rss feed?
Amazing job!! I will want some time to think over your story..