Those photos of the two dubious records for entry into the Malaysia
Book of Records would be posted below. I reckon veritas should try for
The Largest Amount of Benzodiazepines A Person Could Eat Without
Falling Asleep since it doesn’t seem to take much to get into the
Malaysian Book of Records. π Anyway, I just came back from mamak so
I’ll just post this and head to bed. Mamak photos will be up tomorrow.
Anyway, this is a continuation from the previous day – we went to Kota Raya after lunch and caught a bus to Sunway Pyramid.
There were lots of people ice skating at Pyramid Ice.
Which made me crave ice cream for some reason…
Baskin Robbins has this Summer Sundaes sundaes going on.
We had the Tropical Luau and the Banana Bay. That new cheese cake
with chocolate ice cream flavor is pretty good. Anyway, the Tropical
Luau has a cake base and it’s okay, but now the Banana Bay is the way
to go. Very sinfully rich, heaps of caramel on top and it even has a
caramel base. Thick caramelly goodness. π
Melaka Fest was going on at Sunway Pyramid – a tourism to Melaka
promotional festival, where there were becas going around, carrying
people and attempting to run shoppers over and performances of all
There were men with umbrellas.
Prancing men with umbrellas.
There were even women with umbrellas.
And tea pots, no less…
Finally, there were two “records” being displayed for uh…public appreciation.
The Tallest Book Tower in Malaysia, fashioned to look like the current tallest buildings in the world (Petronas Twin Towers).
It was made with books from Dr. Mahathir, don’t you dare dispute the
“101% garunteed sold out!” claims the publishers make. Why, I think
this tower took more than a couple of the books to make.
The Biggest Jalur Gemilang (Malaysia’s national flag) made with push pins.
I thought it was straws and dared my gf to take one from the middle part. π
Anyway, that’s it for today, I’ll be working early tomorrow morning,
so I’m heading to bed. I’ll reply all the comments tomorrow, thanks for
the feedback! π

pls help me!! how to receive recognize picture instead of verify in mobile?