Guess who’s back? Okay, that’s the lamest ever start to a post and I
must apologize for subjecting you to that overused cliched statement.
Sorry guys. π Anyways, I’ve just got back from Melbourne, breezed
through customs. Thank God, there were 5 items I think they would take
exception to and frown upon. Heh. Anyway, I have to work tomorrow and
it’s 11 pm now and even though I drank enough Bloody Marys (can you
make it stronger this time?) and other alcoholic beverages (hey, it’s
free) with bzd I still feel quite awake, but fear not, dear readers,
beer is still cold in my fridge and I bought 3 bottles of 1 litre
flavored Absolut Vodka (for me) and several cartons of Marlboros (for
someone else, coz I don’t smoke).
I will update tomorrow, one day each day, starting from Day 0 and
ending with Day 5. I wanted to do it Memento style and go ass backwards
from Day 5 -> Day 0 but I fear that will fuck with your mind too
hard and I don’t want to wish that upon you after I had mine fucked
with last night. No, no large scary chickens were involved, thankfully.
I don’t think I’ll be able to handle that abomination chasing after me.