/me presents business card
Does anyone still remember that quote from the local sitcom? The
character’s name is Sam and he plays this sissy (hey, it was the
correct terminology at that time :p) persona and the intro jingle goes
something “tutup api”. Very catchy. Anyway, I just got my company
business cards today. There’s a stack of them and from the invoice, I
found out that business cards do not come by cheaply. The card says:
B.Comp (Aus)
Systems Engineer
(Company Logo)
(Company Registration Number)
(Company Name)
(Company Address)
Kuching Sarawak Malaysia
Tel: (Two telephone numbers)
ISDN Video call: (ISDN video phone number)
Fax: (Fax number)
Cell: (Everyone knows this anyway, but I also use 016 869 0110)
E-mail: hb@(domain name).com
(Company URL)
Now, if only I know what I’m going to do with this stack of business cards…