I’ve always wondered about oysters in a tin…are they any good? I
decided to get one to address this pressing question. This is S&W Fancy Whole Smoked Oysters
from Korea. I can understand canned fish…but I’ve always thought
whether canned oysters would taste the same as fresh ones, or at least
bear some resemblance to it.
It comes in a small flat tin inside a cardboard insert. It costs RM
9.80. The back of the packaging read “S&W Smoked Oysters – Simply
Wonderful. A tasty snack specially selected and smoked over sweet woods
for a delicate flavor”. Hmm…we’ll see.
The actual flat tin is unremarkable – there are no marks on it, just a plain container, with a pull up ring.
Here be oysters…
It didn’t look all that good to me. The oysters are squashed pretty
tightly inside the tin, packed like…er, sardines in a can. I ate a
The ones in the middle are rather brittle in texture, and I would
not have associated it with oysters if it was a blind taste test. The
ones towards the side of the can, however, maintain the springy and
moist texture I associate with mollusks. I wonder if this anomaly is
due to the canning and preservation process.
Nevertheless, I pronounce canned oysters as Good. It may not
look so good, but at least it tasted somewhat like smoked oysters. I’m
not a big fan of canned food, but this one is alright – it adheres to
the smoked oyster taste and texture.
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I disagree with the writer regarding S&W Smoked Oysters. I am now staying in Kuala Lumpur. I have consumed this product all my life, which is a good many years. I am from California where S&W operates and I can tell you that the oysters as pictured are not original. The oysters should be darker in color, the oil is not the same as usual and certainly the taste of the oysters is not at all what it should be. I suspect tampering, substitution of product is going on here. It is inconsistent, sometimes the oysters are like the original ones and other times, they look exactly as pictured here, and I can tell you the ones pictured here are the ones that are tasteless and not the real deal. Be careful. I have written to S&W to highlight this issue. I will not eat this product again until I receive explanation directly from S&W and even then if they are the tasteless product now at times produced, I will not consume this product any longer.
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