Chillipeppers is a popular dining establishment here in Kuching. It
serves a variety of food – from local to other fare, and their menu has
a special section dedicated to “Chillipeppers Specialties”, which I
assume are the dishes they specialize in.
I ordered Baked Sambal Sotong with Rice, one of the options in the
Chillipeppers Specialties menu. It was pretty good, done in the
baked-in-a-foil style. It also has a chicken option, which one of my
friends ordered…and I declare that better than the sotong. It both
tastes good though.
The dish is pretty spicy, they don’t hold the chilli, pardon the
pun. That’s what makes it good though, and the spiciness is tempered
somewhat by the lady fingers that often come with this culinary dish.
I had ABC something or Ice Kacang something, and for the life of me,
I can’t remember what that something was. Ah Girl ordered it and it
looked good so I switched my iced lemon tea for it and then I was told
that it’s actually ABC or Ice Kacang something, so I switched again to
that one. It was good nevertheless – hot day.
Here’s a group photo of us. L-R: Huai Bin, Hui Ming (camera shy), Ah Lung, Miriam, Chen Yian (Girl).
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