Limited Edition Merdeka Day Shell Mineral Water

shell min water primer

One does not usually associate “Shell” with “water”, in fact, one
does not usually use the letters in the same sentence if one could
avoid it. It just seems unsavory…and wrong. πŸ˜‰

shell min water display

However, I noticed that Shell had a Merdeka Day (Independence Day)
limited edition mineral water in a glass bottle when I went out for
dinner with friends and I got a couple of those.

shell min water

It’s manufactured by Eau Claire Mineral Water and its non-carbonated
mineral water in a 320 ml limited edition specially fabricated glass
bottle to celebrate Malaysia’s 47th Independence Day.

shell min water le

Did I mention it was limited edition? πŸ˜‰ These things always gets
me, damn I hate marketing folks. No offence to any out there, you just
get me every time. πŸ™‚

yang ling seafood

We went to Yang Ling Sea Food (Stall 32) at Pending.

shell min water eat

I paid my respects to my late grandfathers (both maternal and
paternal), who died of lung cancer, and asked them to protect me from
the same fate. πŸ˜‰ Kidding, kidding. Though some of my more
superstitious friends blanched when they saw me stick my chopsticks in
my food. Apparently, it’s taboo. πŸ˜‰

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