

This is May, a friend I met in Miri and got acquainted with while out clubbing three (3) nights in a row. I didn’t actually remember seeing her the first night but she saw me and was surprised to see me the second night and didn’t actually recognize me at first. I was…er, under the influence of a certain NMDA antagonist and had to be helped out of Balcony the first night and the second time I saw her was when I was completely sober during dinner and she was kind enough to pay me the compliment that I was a lot more good looking than her initial impression. πŸ˜‰

may me

May looks really hot in person but she’s unfortunately spoken for and unavailable. Hmm…I seem to know a lot of “Calender Girls” – I know two (2) Aprils, five (5) Mays, and a June. It was fun hanging out with her for three nights in a row in Miri.

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18 thoughts on “May”

  1. Dude, I’ll hire you if you keep your habit outside working hour as long as the experimental effects do not jeopardize productivity.
    Over the years I have worked with many brilliant engineers with your special kind of interest, long hair, with tattoos… but yet produce quality work and effective use of company time.
    I have also fired a few who are clean cut, Mr. Nice guy….polite, but just a waste of stock holders investment….one guy even spent an hour every morning reading the bible on company time.
    Work hard, play hard !

  2. Vince: Yeah, quite a dish, isn’t she? πŸ˜‰
    kk wong: Seriously, dude. That’s WAY too much information for me. I really didn’t need to hear about your sexual preferences.
    Jessy: Thanks Jessy. No worries, I’ve been blogging for too long to let shit like this bother me. πŸ˜‰
    e: Cheers, mate! Appreciate the vote of confidence. Spending an hour reading the bible?!?! Why doesn’t he do it at home? Is the company a Christian company that encourages this kind of thing?

  3. HB, so when I get back and we meet up, I know I won’t make the “XX Chromosome” write up! LOL But her outfit reminds me of the one I wore to my last LAN party here at work…yes, I was the Geek Mistress so I had to play the part

  4. gotta agree with Jessy, she does look very nice in that outfit πŸ™‚
    btw: didn’t you mean ‘a certain NMDA agonist’..? :p

  5. fish fish: I prefer April coz I was born in April. πŸ™‚
    That lobster looks DELICIOUS! OMG! That would cost at least RM 200+ over here easily. In the proper restaurant with proper “cracking tools” some more.
    I like the very last photo. It made me very thirsty. Unfortunately, we can’t get really good beer over here. I really like good beer, not the commercial ones like Heineken, Carlsberg, Tiger etc but the premium ones which you can actually taste like ale.
    Skwermy: The official policy for XX Chromosome posts is that any XX Chromosome e.g. person of female genetic makeup can be featured inside. πŸ˜‰
    Geek Mistress, huh? Sounds very kinky. See ya when you come back!
    ck: Ketamine is an NMDA antagonist, not agonist. Two other common NMDA antagonists (besides alcohol) is DXM and PCP (angel dust).

  6. HB, the next time I go home, I will get some only in U.S. beer for you. Also, only in North Carolina wine for you. πŸ˜‰ I dont think the cigarette here will be as interesting as the ones in Japan, so not recommended.

  7. ahh yes sorry for that but i was a bit off yesterday i guess, must have been the weather πŸ˜‰
    oh and if you ever want to ‘review’ a belgian beer, let me know… πŸ™‚
    and keep up the great HB blogstyle!!

  8. fish fish: I want Triple Bock. πŸ˜‰
    Thanks fish fish. That’s very kind of you. Yeah, the Japan cigarettes were great. I think we get most of the US brands over here anyway.
    ck: I do! Any beer is good beer. How are you going to get it to me? Mailing beer is generally a bad idea due to the bulk. Unless you don’t mind…

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