Bintangor is a town about 95 km away from Sibu. It was decided that an impromptu road trip be made to check out their rojak and orange juice – the two things Bintangor is famous for. Four of us went in my car on Sunday afternoon:
Clare aka KLM. π
The secret is out, so she let me put the original photos up.
Huai Bin (me) and bengbeng
Bintangor isn’t really far away from Sibu if you maintain a reasonable speed. It must have been the company of the two fine ladies coz we were there before we knew it. The “Welcome to Bintangor” signage is in the shape of the Bintangor orange. It’s the symbol of the town and there’s also a replica orange in front of the wharf – it makes for a good photo opportunity.
The famous Bintangor rojak stall is called Wong Hung Ping and the rojak (a local fruit salad) is so renowned that Sibu people have been known to drive down just to eat the rojak during the weekends. They also sell the rojak sauce (which is the crucial ingredient that makes or breaks the dish).
The bottles of rojak sauce goes for RM 7, which was up from the previous RM 5. That’s just about in line with the oft quoted 40% price increase. π
The proprietor of the Bintangor Rojak Stall used to be a nice, old lady. This is her daughter manning the stall. She’s the one managing the stall nowadays due to the advanced chronological age of her mother. I like her as well, she’s friendly, like her mom.
Rojak is made by chopping up pineapples, tofu, cucumbers and miscellaneous other items…
…before mixing it with the special Bintangor rojak sauce.
It is then dished out and eaten with forks. It’s really a simple dish to prepare, it’s the special rojak sauce that makes it taste good. Bintangor is famous for their rojak due to the excellent rojak sauce that they make…at least in this stall.
This is the Bintangor rojak that we drove all this way for. Rojak is a communal dish, you’ll be hard pressed to find someone eating a plate all by himself.
Here’s a closer look at the Bintangor rojak. The money shot, if you will. π
The stall also serves Bintangor orange juice. Bintangor orange juice is not made with Sunkist oranges (which was what they accidentally served us the first time) but from Bintangor oranges. It comes in a brighter shade than regular orange juice.
These are what Bintangor oranges look like – it’s also the official produce of Bintangor. It’s sweet and tangy, with sour hints. It’s smaller in size than regular oranges.
The Sibu blogger contingent at Bintangor.
True to blogger tradition, we did the camwhoring thing at the Bintangor wharf. This is me taking a pole up the ass while Mary looks on with mirth. Boy, I’m gonna be sore tomorrow.
It was a fun road trip with the Sibu bloggers to Bintangor. I had wanted to go there for ages to take photos of the famous Bintangor rojak and Bintangor orange juice and the company was great! Cheers! π

Bin: why not u mosaic my face sekali? the one of me behind itu oj so ugly..
Are the Bintangor oranges like tangerines and do they have a lot of seeds? (I hate when fruit has a lot of seeds to spit out.)
Yummy yummy, the rojak soooo nice… once my colleagues went there and tapau for me… hmm… nw say also hungry lo…. by the way y mosaic mosaic face there… hi hi hi so nw u walk also like u hv big balls lo… hi hi hi…next time put some cream before shoving poles up ur ass k…. ha ha ha
Goolooloo: u look nice there la… don’t worry hw u look… π
Bintagor orange my all time favourite fruit, it goes well with a pitch of salt.Honestly HB tell me if this rojak compare with Kch open air market one which one taste better?
Dude, that jerk who left a bullshit comment a few post ago, should go sniff that pole.
Yes, the rojak was good when I was there two years ago. But I wonder why the chairs and tables were so old and fragile that time. Have they changed them?
Arrgghhh! As always… HB never fails to make me gian for something I cannot have at this very moment. Well done, HB π
haha when my bil brought me to bintangor he also took me there for rojaks!
Nice~ should make a trip there to one of these days!
i felt so lonely on the trip..i played the chaperone while u had the chicks π
next time must share lah…but i mus admit yr womenising skills r legend kekekekkekkekekeek i must bring my own next time. π
The rojak looks so sedappppppp
How is bengbeng? Can’t see anyone else beside you. ‘Kui’ (ghost) ah?
HB, the winnie the pooh pillow…tell me, it isn’t yours right? π
i aim to visit the pineapple village this year, and possibly the village producing these oranges. does beng beng share the unfortunate property of meaning illness in chinese, or is it a cake? this one is probably a family name.
goolooloo: You look beautiful lah, like always. Our Uncle BengBeng also agrees. π
jessy: Exactly! It should be called a tangerine (of sorts) instead of an orange. There are seeds inside (unless they start cross breeding or GE and come out with a seedless version) so you’re not going to like it.
bubble7866: Mary went to tapau Bintangor rojak also…and left it in my car. She SMS me to tell me about it but I forgot also and left it in my car until the next day. Now my car smells of rojak. Nostalgia betul. π
Now the mosiac is off, special request from Clare, now no need anymore so I put the originals up.
Roland: Hmm…I should put a bit of salt into my drink next time then. Actually, the rojak I like best is the Malay rojak at the coffee shop right opposite Star Cineplex in Sibu. It closed down (or moved?) already. The same place as the famous char kueh tiaw.
e: I think he left another comment today but I deleted it. Heh! MT rocks, it’s so easy for me to delete and so hard for him to write. I’m an asshole. π
fish fish: I think they did. I remember the fittings being more derelict last time too. The cheap tables and chairs they use don’t last very long.
al’sera: Thanks! Here at, we always aim to please. π
wuching: Yeah, it’s the most famous stall in Bintangor. Everyone goes here for Bintangor rojak. The original.
(=’.’=): You should, it’s not as far as it seems. I got to know a shortcut to Sarikei from the Bintangor trip too, shaves about 20-30 minutes off your commute. You need to go to Bintangor and take the ferry across (RM 1 per trip per car) to bring you right smack dab in the heart of Sarikei town.
bengbeng: What womanizing skillz? I always get cheated by women one. I love one with all my heart and ask them to marry me and they always run away really fast. Women always dump me one lah. π
headsteadi: It is sedap indeed. π
girlgirl: Bengbeng doesn’t want to be in the public eye. Anonymous blogger, that one. No photos of him exist except in our personal archives. You want to see? π
cynthia: It’s not mine. A friend bought it and left it in my car so she can use it when we go and watch movies. She’s a big fan of having a pillow during movies. I don’t know why.
William: There’s a pineapple village there? Bintangor or Sarikei. Sarikei is famous for their pineapples. His name is not his real name, it’s just a nickname. I don’t know what his real name is. Very secretive one, that beng beng. π
The Bintangor rojak is now at Kuching. It is at Green Heights. They have francais the Rojak to Kuching. Beside rojak they sell bintangor orange juice too. The Cafe in Green Height called Shalom Cafe. They have open 1 and the half year. The stall was manning by his younges daughter. For those who live at kuching can try there. Is tasted great!!!
The bintangor Rojak is now sell in Kuching, Green Heights. The Cafe called Shalom Cafe.
pooh: Interesting! Shalom as in peace. I didn’t know it was huge enough to start a franchise. π
Bintangor oranges are green in colour. Of course, the orange has seeds , but not too many of them. They are sour yet sweet which make them so special. I love Bintangor oranges especially for this flavour. However, one must not eat the orange straight from the tree. It is best to leave the oranges which have been plucked for a few days before eating them or else you will find them especially sour.