Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2008

hari raya header

This is the first day of the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations – the new year for our Muslim friends. In Malaysia, “open houses” are practiced and it is common for different races to mingle and socialize during festive occasions.

hari raya 08

I visited a couple of houses this morning with a bunch of friends. I neglected to pace myself and ate too much at the first house, which resulted in me not being able to eat much at the latter houses. πŸ™‚

raya 1

This is what I had – pulut (glutenous rice), satay, beef rendang, curry chicken and ayam masak merah.

raya 11

I also had some dessert after that – cakes and this confectionery made out of cornflakes that I really like. πŸ™‚

raya ketupat

Our group adjurned to the second house after that where there is ketupat (a traditional Hari Raya preparation made out of glutenous rice, but different from pulut).


This is what ketupat looks like – it’s made with pandan wrappings (a complicated procedure that traditionally lasts throughout the night) while pulut is cooked in bamboo over a slow BBQ fire.

raya breasts

I was presented this home made confectionery by the host and the following conversation proceeded:

Host: What does this remind you of, Huai Bin?
HB: Hmm…something that should be covered up. πŸ˜‰
Host: You have a gutter mind la…it’s eyes.
HB: That’s what I meant, it should be covered up with sunglasses. What did you think I mean? Lingerie? πŸ˜‰

raya feature

It’s fun, with witty banter and general fellowship. I have missed Hari Raya for two years in a row so it’s great to be able to go visiting again. I love this water feature that I saw in one of the houses that we visited.

Selamat Hari Raya 2008 to all readers of sixthseal.com! πŸ™‚

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23 thoughts on “Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2008”

  1. Visited almost 10 houses today. I almost luput now. Tummy so full with lemang, ketupat, satay, curry and carbonated drinks. If Gawai… I will be full with beers! ha!

  2. This is like my late father homeland in Taiwan. Where people open up their homes for 2 days feasting. They call pray pray(Bye Bye)it out side of Taipei where the Taiwaneses people held it. Your seem much like Taiwan.

  3. Very interesting in Malaysia customs and cultures. My family came from Taiwan and now live in the States. I remember Bai Bai and some people hire a cook to cooked for 2 days in festing. Been to some home and some got very fancy food other not bad home cook style food. Eat, Drinks, and Enjoy.

  4. Yo HB
    Its Lemang that cooked in the bamboo. The pulut is the type of rice. both Ketupat & Lemang, made from lemang rice. Man, i missed lemang & ketupat very much. Cannot bakar lemang in NY, or else the black neighbour will kick my ass up for open burning.
    Selamat Hari Raya!

  5. Yo HB
    Its Lemang that cooked in the bamboo. The pulut is the type of rice. both Ketupat & Lemang, made from pulut rice. Just for your info and correction.
    Man, i missed lemang & ketupat very much. Cannot bakar lemang in NY, or else the black neighbour will kick my ass up for open burning.
    Selamat Hari Raya!

  6. I am seriously missing some ketupat, lemang and rendang. Damn all my malay friends balik kampung and i got no open house invitation πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

  7. its been two years i miss raya now.supposedly i will go to my friends’ houses and eat like there is no tomorrow..LoL..i miss London Almond the most.

  8. nicktay: Yeah, the best part about open houses during raya. I love the cooked food instead of the snacks during CNY.
    annant: Hello there! Selamat Hari Raya (very belated since I’m replying this comment three days later).
    ai-ling: Yeah, and there’s Proton Saga cake too – at least that’s what they call it. Layered cake made with lots of condensed milk. Very sweet, very decadent. πŸ™‚
    Choonie: OMG! You got stamina, can visit that many houses in a day.
    Haha! If Gawai, I will be drunk by 12 pm. πŸ˜‰
    fish fish: Yeah, good for your arteries and cholestrol levels. πŸ˜‰
    Ketupat has a more subdued flavor while lemang is tastier as it’s a little bit more intense.
    eiling: Poor thing. I’m sorry to hear that. Working during a public holiday…
    Amy: Hmm…this is more Malay than Chinese. The Chinese have the open house concept too, during Chinese New Year. πŸ™‚
    Jenna; Two whole days of feasting? I want to check it out, sounds interesting. It’s held on a different occasion as the Lunar New Year?
    NYC Guy: Hello there! Thanks for the correction, my mistake.
    Heh! Well, you can always do it on a BBQ pit somewhere in a park. I’m sure that would taste somewhat similar. You have very unfriendly neighbours. πŸ˜‰
    Selamat Hari Raya, my friend.
    xin: Well, the thing about open houses is that it’s open. πŸ˜‰
    You can just walk into any house and eat. Heh!
    Oh well, there’s always next year. πŸ™‚
    benjy8769: What’s wrong? What happened during the two years you missed raya? I’m craving for some lemang and rendang now too. Oh well, at least it’s lunchtime.

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