I went to Starbucks Centerpoint after an event to meet up with people I haven’t met for a good three years – Kimberly, Suanie, and Paul Tan. Other bloggers in attendance were KY and Eiling, who were with me at the event (post tomorrow), ShaolinTiger, and KY’s roommate. We were there from about 10 pm till 2 am.
I smoked one of Eiling’s cigars which probably costs more than what I’m paid in a week. π
I paid a huge price for it though. My girlfriend pushed me around a little when I got home and kinda got one of my surface bar piercings to bleed.
Outing aftermath, sial.
See how much I love you guys and sacrifice so much for you all. :p

Hahahha no pain no gain, make up s.. (no carrier)
KY gives the best damn answers.
wah lau you damn fast lah.
shit the thing looks even more scary now iyerrr π
I hope Eiling don’t see this post or she might cry.
Do like this get together now you live in KL? It seem more friends now. Are they married for I ask because people do change after mariage. I hope women in Malaysia who are Chinese have better social life.
Do like this get together now you live in KL? It seem more friends now. Are they married for I ask because people do change after marriage. I hope women in Malaysia who are Chinese have better social life.
It nice to see your other friends guys and gals. Enjoy it now for once married not much time. You better get some disinfection spray for it look infection. Just being concern for you. Got friends in medical fields that why your sister I remember you had it in early entries a doctor.
fuhhh, awesome! remind me when i see u next to ask u how they do it. is it connected inside? lol
Are you now a victim of domestic violence?
Do be careful with ur skeletal extensions mate.
I think your girlfriend is a little too possesive and might have some hidden psychological issues.
Boy it sure does look like domestic violence. All bloggers saw ut all over the world. Now I wonder about my relationship too. Cook a good meal at home for both to enjoy.
wee~ Another Starbucks gathering for bloggers ^_^
OMG! blood *pengsan*
wee~ Another Starbucks gathering for bloggers ^_^
u totally enjoyed it didn’t you? the bleeding not the yumchar hahahahah
Yer…why you never post an earlier warning?!! ST, I really wanna cry now.. so gross (body shivering)
how did the metal bar snap so easily? it must have been a pretty bad push eh? π
KY: Done. π
All is well in the home front. π
Serge Norguard: Ya, I lost track of time. Haven’t met a lot of this bunch in ages.
suanie: I’m always very fast. π
Thanks for Requiem for a Dream. My gf loved it. I’ve been wanting to get her to watch this for ages.
ShaolinTiger: Haha! It’s alright, she just pushed me a little and I bumped it against the breakfast bar. Domestic violence. π
Sally: Yeah, being in KL (PJ actually) is fun. π
Erica: Indeed, being married with kids = no social life anymore.
David: Yeah, it’s connected. There’s a bar underneath the skin. π
Fist of Asia: Heh! It’s not that bad, I did text and call her, she just didn’t like me going out so late. Trust issues. I’m told that with my history, it’s understandable. :p
The Bull: It’s more possessiveness than anything. You know, come to think of it, most of my ex-gfs have issues as well. Haha! Cheers mate! π
Nok: It’s sorted, mate. I’ve stated my views, she has stated hers and we found common ground. π
BLue: Yeah, you should come if you’re in PJ.
vincent: Oh, it’s not that bad. π
BLue: Come if you want, we are the PJ gang of bloggers. π
kimberlycun: Haha! I thoroughly enjoyed both. π
eiling: It’s good though. We talked this morning and we have found common ground. It’s healthier this way, I can hang out with friends, she can do the things she wants to do. π
xin: It didn’t snap, the flesh pulled out. I would have had to go to the clinic if it has snapped inside me, unless it’s a clean snap without fragments. π
oh man… ouch! looks like your body is rejecting your piercings hb. i reckon you should just lose em or there’s gonna be complications later.
It looks like it. I’m just gonna wait and see if it does. I’ll keep it for a couple of more months. Thanks for the advice though, my friend.
No lar…you get used to it. π
the blood was lovely, but the clots and bruises just gave me second thoughts of getting myself pierced. but then again. meh.