Warning signs you’re an alcoholic


1. You go to your favorite convenience store to get some 500 ml 12% cheap imported beer and the cashier goes “Just two cans today instead of your usual three?”

2. The friendly local neighborhood 7-Eleven night shift greets you with a cheery “Hello Boss!” and warns you that the leftmost chiller is out of action so your favorite beer is warm.

3. The clerks at 7-Eleven actually starts asking “Eh, tiap tiap hari minum, okay kah boss?” (You drink every night, you handling it okay?)


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28 thoughts on “Warning signs you’re an alcoholic”

  1. Jac: Unfortunately, all. πŸ™‚
    Harmony: Good for you. πŸ™‚
    eiling: Haha! I doubt they read blogs la…but yeah, it’s just too close to my place so it’s the first place I go. You know which one right? There’s actually 3 in my area, but I go to the nearest.
    YilingL: Heh! I think he’s just thinking of sales volume. Seriously though, I was like taken aback when he said that. I didn’t know he was profiling me. πŸ™‚
    Juice: You know, that’s a good thing. Blessing in disguise and all that.

  2. Gosh…this post makes me laugh…. reminds me of my mum and her cake-aholic… My mum too always visits the bakery for pandan cake so much so when she buys chocolate or sponge cake, the owner was like “ei?? celebrating birthday that’s why special ah??”… -_-

  3. Haha.. Interesting post. Decided to drop you a msg as I think the 711 is the Aman Suria one as I live nearby there. But that’s not the nearest to my place. Hehe…

  4. HB,
    You worry a lot of bloggers friends out there in going out at night. In big city or small you got to be street smart. I like run and amaretto a lot but use in making cakes. Well anyway no matter where a person is things do happened.
    My mom got mugged in daytime outside the store waiting for a cab in Beijing. Just be careful from drinking and going out.

  5. Hmmh – sounds quite familiar to me. πŸ˜‰
    That’s why I keep on alternating the stores I visit – not that I’m drinking that much, it’s only a few beers but the frequency….
    Oh well, like you I am not taking drugs anymore but still there has to be a kind of substitute – but that’s nothing I care too much about. πŸ™‚
    Should you have meant your post as a cry for help: maybe you could setup a kind of online AA forum – I would be happy to become the first member of “Alcoholics United”. :)))

  6. I say you’re an enthusiast if you drink every night, but you’re addicted if you drink every day. The term “alcoholic” means (to me) that you are either drunk or clamouring to get drunk again. If you’re not drunk at work then in my opinion you’re in the clear.

  7. At least you’re not going back each night for a crate. I’m sure 3 beers a night is slightly above the recommended daily allowance, but it is by no means the least upperbound πŸ˜‰

  8. used to have all the symptoms and some worse one too . . . .work in a KARAOKE in VN and had to drink even on my day off. I quit and left my liver to heal up to now. . . . .
    still drink but very careful . . . .get some VIT B or ESSENTIAL A dude for ur lIVER

  9. Yo Huai Bin…ah hung here…!
    Dun drink too damn much ahh…i know u can tahan…take care of ya health
    Anyway…Habi Cow Year man…

  10. i’m starting to believe the folks at the kopitiam near my house pack my beers and ciggies in plastic before i even get there.
    they also know my favorite non-alcoholic beverage and the food i normally order (and how i prefer it)

  11. Cheryl: Sure. πŸ™‚
    I don’t drink that much nowadays. *cough*
    cindy: I’m glad to have made at least someone laugh. πŸ™‚
    Yeah, I love to bake too but no oven at the condo.
    May: Oh, we live really close to each other then. Come, yum cha. πŸ™‚
    Vickie: Oh well, I only got mugged once, wrong place, wrong time. I will drive next time. πŸ™‚
    Not many carjackings here in proportion to muggings.
    breadpitt: I like coffee too but I quit drinking it, except for certain occasions when I need to prop up my eyelids.
    I used to drink INSANE amounts of coffee but it just exacerbates certain things e.g. impatience, anger, irritability etc.
    Simon Seow: Thank you, but was supposed to extend but I didn’t. πŸ™‚
    I choose to live for myself. I will drink if and when I want to. I drink less now anyway due to certain things that makes me wanna stay away. Very complicated, unorthodox therapy.
    raoulduke: Hello, kindred soul! Yeah, most people fall back on alcohol (legal) when they quit the drug scene. Unfortunate, coz some drugs e.g. cannabis causes LESS damage than alcohol. Even heroin causes less damage than alcohol from a neurotoxicity point of view.
    It’s not a cry for help, I’m fine mate. Working the steps. πŸ™‚
    All the best to you mate!
    Brian: Amen to that! =D
    You the man, I drink only after work hours. I don’t drink daily anymore though.
    I’ll take to be classified as an ethanol enthusiast. Heh!
    JW: Yeah, it’s not too bad considering I used to drink a bottle of vodka neat every day. πŸ™‚
    foodcrazee: Thanks mate! Yeah, drinkers deplete their Vit B. I am taking supplements. πŸ™‚
    Darren: Haha! Or sponsor my beer at least. πŸ˜‰
    YL: Can. For sure. πŸ™‚
    Johnny: Hello there! Haven’t heard from you in a long time. Yeah, I’m drinking less now. Not like last time when the first thing I do when I wake up is to reach for a drink and drive the entire day while consuming ethanol beverages.
    Much better dy. πŸ™‚
    sir eats a lot: I have to agree with you mate. Unfortunately, cannabis is illegal here and it takes AGES to clear out of the system. Ironic that the least harmful substance is the most easily detectable and lasts longest due to it’s affinity to lipids. πŸ™
    calvin: Haha! Yeah, one of the cons of being a drinker and a smoker. Oh well, can’t have everything. πŸ™‚
    Arth Akal: Hello there! We kindred souls, mate. πŸ™‚
    Yeah, regulars of the same spirit (no pun intended).

  12. Trey: Benzodiazepines > alcohol always unless you’re already dependent, then it doesn’t cause any euphoric effects anymore. It works on the same pathways! GABA, benzo receptors etc.

  13. Hey bro, just wanted to drop a quick note.
    Hate bein preached to (can I get a witness? Hell yeah!) so fuck me wit a rusty spork if I come across all preachy and shit πŸ™‚
    Note that I reckon by this juncture you’ve pretty much figured out who I am in RL. Principles before personalities, bro. The program only works because we’re all anonymous in the meeting rooms. Who you see here, what you say here, let it stay here. ;D
    Lemme just jot down the times and locations of the AA & NA meetings. You don’t have to be clean or sober to attend, you just have to say you’re an alcoholic or an addict to belong.
    8:00 pm – 9:45 pm
    48, Changkat Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur
    [Closed Meeting – Addicts Only – Farsi Language]
    8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
    30 A&B, Lrg. Haji Taib 4, 50350, Kuala Lumpur
    [Closed Meeting – Addicts Only]
    8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
    30 A&B, Lrg. Haji Taib 4, 50350, Kuala Lumpur
    [Closed Meeting – Addicts Only]
    8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
    NAJB Hidup Group
    No.26, Jalan Abdul Razak, Susur 1, 80100
    Johor Bahru
    [Closed Meeting – Addicts Only]
    8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
    NA Bukit Perdana, PKAADK,
    Lot 2329, Lorong Perdana, Kompleks Kerajaan,
    Bukit Perdana, Jalan Dato’ Onn, 50450,
    Kuala Lumpur
    7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
    NA Penang [NAPg]
    52K, Penang Road, 10000, Penang
    [Open Meeting Visitors Welcome]
    8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
    30 A&B, Lrg. Haji Taib 4, 50350, Kuala Lumpur
    [First fridays of the month are open meetings, others are closed]
    10:00 am – 11:30 am
    NA Kuantan [NAKt] PKAADK
    412, Jalan Gambut, 25000,
    Kuantan, Pahang
    [Closed Meeting – Addicts Only]
    2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
    48, Changkat Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur
    [Open Meeting]
    6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
    1st Floor, 29 Jalan Raja Chulan, 50150,
    Kuala Lumpur
    [Open Meeting]
    You can also contact us at these two numbers for clarification or more info: 012-4203110 or 012-3058090 (via e-mail: na_kl@hotmail.com).
    I’ll see you when I see you, guy.


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