Terminator Salvation screening

ts nuffnang

I caught Terminator Salvation screening at Cineleisure just now courtesy of Nuffnang. I’m a big fan of the franchise and I was expecting A LOT from this latest addition to the series. I watch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles too and was hoping that it’ll have some references to it…and it did!

ts sixthseal guests

I think everyone on the Terminator Salvation giveaway list came – it was good to meet up with you all! Props to Nuffnang for the 15 pair of tickets. 🙂

ts jess

Anyway, I was there with Jess and managed to get good seats – twin seaters smack dab in the middle of the screen. Awesome! I was a little surprised that there isn’t the usual digicam/cell phone check in counter considering this is a still unreleased movie. It’s a good thing though – the movie premier electronics check in and reclamation takes up a lot of time when exiting the theatre.

ts tickets

However, there was a very strongly worded announcement about no cell phone usage before the show started, which I dutifully heeded since I’m a big fan of the franchise and the last thing I want is to be “escorted out of the theatre” when I’m engrossed with the movie. 😉

ts montage

Back to Terminator Salvation, you’ll enjoy it heaps if you’re a fan of the franchise. The movie started with pyrotechnics and ended with a scene which would probably make you say something along the lines of “I’ve got sand in my eyes” despite being in a sterile theatre. :p I won’t spoil it for you all but watch out for Sam Worthington’s performance as Marcus Wright. He definitely pulled his weight in this production. Arnold was in the movie too, as a cameo, and as nude as the day he was born ala T2, but the creative use of fog hid his appendage. 😉

ts group

However, I think the real star of the movie is Marcus Wright instead of John Conner, and rightly so.

Pun intended.

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52 thoughts on “Terminator Salvation screening”

  1. The trailer looks great, and I’m really interested to see how they handle the timeline.
    Did you hear the audio recordings of Christian Bale’s on-set tantrum during the filming? Howard Stern plays clips of it from time to time – truly hilarious stuff.
    I feel for the guy, actually, though he prolly went just a *little* overboard. But still…

  2. i always wanted to fuck a female terminator and if it was a female t-1000 you could probably stick your dick any where on her body since shes liquid metal

  3. i think i’m gonna catch this movie too…. and sometimes i do really envy bloggers who could participate in nuffnang’s events… i wish i were in malaysia

  4. Hey HB,
    It was nice meeting you last night. Thanks for the tickets too. Sorry didn’t get to hang around after picking up the tickets. Went for makan coz was too hungry.
    Anyways it was a pleasure meeting the great HB. Lol.. See ya some other time aight..

  5. Hello, I would like to warn as many girls as i can, please beware of Poh Huai Bin, keep yourself (or keep your girlfriend,wife-to-be or wife) away from him as far as you can. This fellow treats girls as his toys, he thought himself is a playboy and like to play fool on girls. One of his hobbies is to grab other guys’ girlfriend, wife-to-be or wife. Once you fall into his love trap, at the beginning he will treat you very nice, of course, doing many romantic things make you happy. But, this won’t be long, once he gets bored on you, he will show his true colors, treat you as cold as ice, woo other girls, dump you at home everyday and he goes out looking for happiness himself. If you quarrel with him, he will just say :” that’s me, i can’t change, if you are unhappy, just break up.” I really never mean to spoil his name, I’m here just to tell the truth, i really don’t hope other girls will fall into his trap and become his victim again. I have posted on his blog to remind other girls but he deleted it, so i choose to post this to your blogs, just wish you all beware of Poh Huai Bin.
    One more secret thing i wish to share with you all is that this bastard’s “little brother” is really small.. i really got no feel making love with him, he is such a poor thing in that way.

  6. HB, Sorry, but every time i trie…. to read you text, my mouse keeps drifting up the page up to lady. In fact, I… damn it, there it goes again!! You are certainly a lucky guy. and you can belive it or not, but it is her eyes and smile that is aluring. To be crude, other parts I have seen plenty of. ( or enough, at least). All is well here, Hb, except for a few things. Little dog died the other night. drank raditor fluid ( antifrezze) I guess. O greater concern is Connnie. She just finished her last Chemo, and her sister died today. Hell, I did not even know her sister was her twin, only met here once or twice, and now I gotta act a broken up, tommorow, and at the funeral ( they are gonna have a veiwng, then cremataion) day after tommraw. Am I heartless, HB? I will do this for her, and pretend, but I cannot even recall her sister. To be honest, had I met her on the street, I would not have recognized ( known) her. Anyways, this is tough for Connie, and I would not be an ass, is only for her sake. Sorry, Dr. HB, but I need some advice, from you and your readers. Tom

  7. wow hb, in your life, it seems you have attacted an irritated lady. VB. ( ok, I will say it – visious bitch) stalker no less. What have you done to merit this rep?. I can, tell you, you got to be careful. The least little thing, a touch of the hand etc… I am fairly homely… anyway, HB, it is so easy, married or not. And I am metohdist. ( what is the difference between a babtist and a methodist? not much, aside from all the jokes you might have heard. Or catholic, with a few reservations. I will not confess to any man, nor do i wish to be his confessor. ( hard headed, obsinate, bull headed fool. ( i was speaking of myself, hb.) But be so careful, hb. tom

  8. Sorry,HB. that was too much to ask. But i am not great by myself. I feel sorry for “victim” and i did not contibute anything to her healing. Mayhap you will find a good guy. tom

  9. Huhu~ How I wish I m also one of the lucky 15.. But still cant go there to watch too.. Too bad too bad.. :/

  10. Huhu~ How I wish I m also one of the lucky 15.. But still cant go there to watch too.. Too bad too bad.. :/

  11. HB, yeah the movie took in a few days 43 millions. I try to see it but line too long but will sooner or later. Any way got original Terminator to control us in the capital. I still like Arnold.

  12. Hello, I would like to warn as many readers as i can, please beware that Sixth Seal(TM) is incredibly habit-forming and may cause laughter, shock, envy, sympathy, warm feelings, and occasional tears. If you blog and jealously covet monogamous, one-blog-only readers, keep them away from Sixth Seal if you can. This fellow treats readers to incredibly entertaining stories, great photos of the aforementioned HB hanging out and having fun, (usually in the company of pretty girls), and a real and (generally) unvarnished look at a fellow human being’s life. One of his hobbies is to write an interesting blog that quickly becomes an essential part of your daily routine. I don’t mean to spoil his name, I am just here to tell the truth. One more secret thing i wish to share with you all is that this dude often wears red underpants.

  13. Dude, that Miss Victim, a naive girl who envision taming a bad boy, mellow down your Rocknroll lifestyle…. but I guess it did not work out too well on her end. Perhaps she only dated a few chao Ah Bengs before and your gentleman’s fine manner that totally melted her sweet little heart was interpreted as true love that last forever…after time trial, you gotta dump her man,she’s a psychotic controlling, boring freak who still wears grandma style panties.
    One more thing, you have mentioned many times your schlong is not long nor of impressive girth, everyone know that. But then again, it could be her money maker is all stretched up, over worked at Kapit Hotel. that is why she got no feel,this is just speculation.

  14. Dude, that Miss Victim, a naive girl who envision taming a bad boy, mellow down your Rocknroll lifestyle…. but I guess it did not work out too well on her end. Perhaps she only dated a few chao Ah Bengs before and your gentleman’s fine manner that totally melted her sweet little heart was interpreted as true love that last forever…after time trial, you gotta dump her man,she’s a psychotic controlling, boring freak who still wears grandma style panties.
    One more thing, you have mentioned many times your schlong is not long nor of impressive girth, everyone know that. But then again, it could be her money maker is all stretched up, over worked at Kapit Hotel. that is why she got no feel,this is just speculation.

  15. Erm…that’s like really old news. You keep a text document on your Desktop and copy and paste everything enmasse? I remember seeing this a few months ago.
    Listen dude, don’t go around other people’s blogs with that – I’ve been getting calls from all over telling me about this when it’s stale fucking news.
    The only thing that is true in what you said is the last part – I have a small dick. 😉
    That is true, the rest is sex, lies and videotape.
    …and you know why I call you dude? You’re not either one of my ex-gf’s. I called all of them, and am on good terms with most. 🙂
    I call your bluff, jealous little man.

  16. Jess: Twas good to meet up! 🙂
    Next up: Night at the Museum 2!
    christock: Yeah me too!
    Simon Seow: Oh well, you can always catch it now – it’s released today!
    Jhnhth: Heh! Cheers for the link, very interesting indeed. I didn’t hear anything about his on-set tantrums. 🙂
    WEEN: …a very disturbing though, but hey, if it floats your boat. 🙂
    Jhnhth: Nope, I don’t mind, it’s all good mate. 🙂
    Serge Norguard: Yup, I tend to do things fast. 🙂
    cindy khor: Yeah, you should! It’s an awesome movie. 🙂
    maggot: No worries. 🙂
    It’s good to meet up with you too, have a great week ahead!
    tom robinson: Yeah, I noticed that about Jess too. Heh!
    I’m sorry to hear about your friend. I don’t think it’s heartless, you obviously care about Connie and humans can’t care for everyone in the world (except Mother Teresa).
    Nicholas: Coz you were busy? Heh!
    TianChad: No worries mate! Hope you enjoyed the movie. 🙂
    tom robinson: I don’t think it’s female. It’s definately not one of my ex-gfs, checked on that to see who I may have pissed off and the number came back as 0.
    Suspect it’s just some guy pretending to be one of my ex gfs. From the sentence structure and all that, doesn’t sound like any of my previous girlfriends at all. 🙂
    foodcrazee: What bike?
    Jade Zheng: Yeah, it’s all thanks to this nice girl who stayed back and endured taking photo after photo with multiple digicams. Heh! 🙂
    Shirley Snow: Yup, unfortunately you’re not over here. 🙂
    Michael (Mike): I like this one, it’s like T2 (revolutionary). T3 wasn’t that good, but this one is great!
    Jhnhth: Haha! Thanks for that mate, it got me ROTFLMAO. 🙂
    e: I don’t think it’s a girl at all…it’s defiantely not any one of my ex gfs. 🙂
    Cheers for that mate, appreciate your understanding. 🙂

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