Got beef?

got beef

Do you have beef against our friendly neighborhood broadband provider Streamyx? I’ve been hearing a lot of complaints about it but what’s interesting is that I hear EVEN MORE from the people who switched to other less established ISPs. I’m quite happy with my connection – it’s not expensive compared to some other players and the best thing about it is that it’s available nationwide. No restrictions on where you can use it. Not limited to Klang Valley and all that.

Sounds damn hard sell? Not if you look at my history, I’ve always been on Streamyx (except during the dark ages when all I had was dial up T_T). It’s fast and it’s reliable. I think the reason a lot of people diss it is coz it’s the incumbent and everyone likes to talk shit about the existing provider and praise the new players.

It’s like politics…let’s see how you feel about The Opposition (TM) when they finally come into power. Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss (only less reliable and prone to throwing tantrums). πŸ˜‰

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26 thoughts on “Got beef?”

  1. I’m not sure bout your place but when I had it back at home it was really THAT bad. The longest downtime was about 1 whole week. I filed at least 7 separate complaints for the past few years. Seems to be getting more reliable lately, though! =)

  2. I’m not sure if other ISPs are also using the “trunk” lines provided by TM as well? If this is the case it doesn’t matter who are these other ISP…they won’t be better than Streamyx. I don’t think the Government will make TM look bad compared to other local ISPs. The supposedly “liberated” telecommunication industry in Malaysia is a show. All GLC will be protected. Streamyx sux big time compared to ISP in other countries. People are kind of “forced” to use Streamyx just like they kinda force people to buy local cars or pay a ridiculous premium for foreign brands.

  3. Donny T: I hear they are using the same trunk lines. Everything goes back to the TM backbone. I can’t verify this though, it’s just what I’ve been told and read.
    However, I must disagree, I’m not forced to use Streamyx. I use Streamyx coz it’s affordable compared to the other ISPs and it’s stable for me. It’s a good package at a good price for the speed and no caps after which you have to pay extra too. πŸ™‚

  4. hi huai bin, it’s immi from jaya one. hehe. hope u still remember me. anyway, this photo looks familiar. =p
    oh rite, love ur cooking posts. when can i sample ur culinary skills? hehe.

  5. immi: Hello! Yes, of course I remember you. πŸ™‚
    Haha! Anytime, I was serious about cooking. Just email me or text me. Cheers!

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