Ye of little faith! Can one! I did the 1.6 km trek to Turtle Island, starting out from the beach and literally walking on water out into the sea. Now back in Jesus’ time, his diciples were quite amazed by this apparent miracle. It’s understandable…they didn’t have Wikipedia back then and they couldn’t very well Google “sandbar” or “shoal” while casting a dubious eye on the Son as he waltzed across the sea.
This is what Turtle Island looks like from Tanjung Rhu resort during high tide.
Compare the above to this photo – the very same spot during low tide. The sandbar or shoal is exposed and you can walk across the sea to the island yonder.
You know how Moses parted the Red Sea right? I’m sure there’s a sandbar in there somewhere, the good man probably knew about high and low tides and timed it just right. You can’t wonder 40 years in the wilderness without picking up a thing or two.
Behold my fellow pilgrims!
Hell, if Matthew saw me doing this, he’ll probably follow me instead.
Or not, since there’s quite a few of us and you can’t very well have that many Gods.

lot of sandbars around the world, mebbe jesus did that.
If you could walk on water, I’m sure many did! Lol.. Good try, Huai Bin!
hehe.. but you all were walking in the water lerh..
lol.. the turtle looks like it is striking a “Peace” pose.
you blog or site amazes me. a refection of my own life. happy birithday to me, and a friend, who irks me to death. we are both are fifty. well kinda. both are leapyear babies. 50 now. jezze.. has it been that long? Had sauage and gravy and homemade biscuits, real pan fried potaoes, and homade blackberry jam. ( less the seeds and that was nice…you see they get caught in my fillings and gold cap… see its way back here, damn thing cost 3000 usd. ugh, off track a little there. The party was hosted by a great lady of age 71. we had several beers, and by that I mean one or to each, two joints were smoked, ( I did not partake, but the only reason was I dont care for it) a toast of makers mark bourbon, about 2 ozs each, watched a dvd ( most of us slept), came back alive as the credits rolled. washed dishes, then departed. and that sounds boring, I bet. but it was really pretty nice. Most of us had been in really deep shit, back when we were 18, 28, 38, or even 48. except our host. she was 20 years older. ahe had been knee deep before we were born. and just what were you doing 20 years ago? lessson” try to be nice to your friends, and , and, well, enemies. and at 50, you should have alot more of the former than the later. on this hangs all the prophets an the law… who is thy neighbor… go and do likewise.. ( ow, ow, ow.. al our discussions turn philisopical, but we each called each other when we got home, to make sure all had arrived home. pretty good. a nice 50th party. (jezze fuckin 50… still 18 in my heart… who da thunk it…) Thanks HB.
plus like you noted, in Mosese’s case, it never hurts to look at the tide charts. Thats why God give us brains. and the ability to learn. I can speak three languages ( two not well) and comprehend a few others. all almost by accident. I was supposed to be dead at age 38. Yet still here. and pretty damn grumpy, too. really. ask my friends. I worked the night shift, they dont, and when I get a call at 9 am. well, suffice it to say. they dont like a call at 1 am. but I have learned, good friends are few and far between. If you got one, subdue your pride, and hang onto them like grim death. which is not to far away, I might add, even baring accidents or wars. do the best you can, love those that love you ( thats the easy part) and grit your teeth and at least try to like those that dont like you. or at least keep your mouth shut in their company, for you own sake. time enough for that later. sorry for the rambling post. I just learned that a lady dear to me is gonna have major surgery. she is 73. diabetic, carpal tunnel, arthtitic, one kidney… though not rich, all the major hospitals have turned her down. bad risk. duke, bowman gray, unc… etc… but emory in atlanta said ok. well give it a shot, if you will. be dead in five months anyway. only 23 years older than me… my grandma lived to be 96 after a big heart attack at 57. so why not try. never give up. I know I am going to heaven, I just dont wanna go right now, thank you very much. having too good a time here. hell, its like beer, the worst I ever had was wonderful..
hey dude u are reall freaking far from the beach.
I think you might just drown if you walked like during high tide. I did experience something like this when I was in Tioman
LOL…. The article will put yr parents in a spin!!! being a staunch Christian n all… To summarize yr article, nothing is what it seems…
u and ur post . . .great!
wouldn’t u be stranded if u missed the tide? u might have to camp at the island! and only come back when the tide is low again…
but then again, u can do almost anything! lol
debbie: I’m sure he did. No one walks on water without some kind of assistance, Son of God or no. Gotta obey the laws of physics. π
eiling: Haha! Everyone did, my point is that if we did it during the dark ages, people would think we be Gods. π
annna: Yup, it’s fun, but you can see the intercrossing waves even during high tide (which causes the formation of the sandbar). You can walk about 100m during high tide, but that’s it before you submerge into the water. During low tide, you can walk to the island with only the water coming up to your knees at the highest (or lowest) point. π
tom: Hey, you’re hitting the big 5-0. Happy birthday my friend! π
Many happy returns for the day.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure Moses knew about stuff like that but it doesn’t mean that he was any less of a leader coz of it. A great leader doesn’t need miracles and Moses was one helluva badass Hebrew leader. π
Sorry to hear about your friend, hope she gets better soon!
ANW: Yeah, we all were…there are signs for the best times to go awalking and the time which you ABSOLUTELY have to be back, lest the high tide cuts off your path and washes you away. π
Michelle Chin: Yup, I’m a good swimmer but I’ll definately drown trying to swim that distance during high tide when the sandbar is submerged. Great swimmers in the past have been owned big time by the sea – it’s un-fucking-predictable and the currents really gets you. Have been caught in a riptide before, damn scary I tell you, even the strongest swimmer will have trouble with the forces of nature. π
DYMM Tuanku: Haha! It may sound like heresy but I’m just pointing out the obvious, doesn’t make Moses (great leader) and Jesus (fucking awesome revolutionary/freedome fighter, if you look between the lines during the Scripture during the Roman occupation) any less heroic. They were heroes who died for The Cause (TM) – whatever the fuck that was during their time. π
foodcrazee: Cheers mate! π
Now if I can only translate that to winnings on the Baccarat table this weekend. π
shimmers999: Yeah, you would be stranded if you miss the time, thus the tide tables located strategically on the beach. You just gotta be careful with oceans that’s all. Being a good swimmer at the pool doesn’t mean shit when it comes to the sea coz there are waves and currents and riptides. It’s dangerous. π
but god wont run naked on water… π
ah nel: Really? π
He might have, I wouldn’t know since I wasn’t there.
Hey you should read up on the Dead Sea Scrolls and other stuff about Jesus’ life (frowned upon by the Catholic, one universal fucking church naturally) – just some of the gospels that did not make it due to the council back in the days.
Who is man to decide what makes it into the good book and not?
didnt you make a post on this years back? anyways looks beautiful, you should check out the corn fields around my town.
must be great to live so close to the ocean.
LOL, agree with ah nel ! Seem like you have a fun time at there Hehe.. π
I nearly drowned in the sea before, talking about swimming. I nearly drowned once in the swimming pool.
Therefore, no swimming for me.
WEEN: Walking on water? Hmm…I might have, I can’t remember 8 years worth of the written word. π
Never been to a sandbar before though, not like this. This is my first time in Langkawi since I was 12.
Eriku: Yeah, there’s nothing not to like in Langkawi – nice beaches, nice resorts, cheap alcohol etc. =D
Michelle Chin: Heh! Yeah, I had a close call in the swimming pool as a kid too – just started swimming, feet can’t even touch the ground and I got a cramp. Didn’t know how to deal with cramps back then, so instead of trying to relax and float, I force swimmed and managed to get to the side. π
Hey you should start swimming again, get back on the horse and all that.
May those who seek GOD life
Be graced and and put to shame
May those who plot my ruin
be turned back in dismay .
winter gurl: Oh, you’re familiar with Psalms! π
I was raised a Christian too, nothing disrepectful about this post, meant it to be funny. π
I see. Just beaches? O.o
Eriku: It’s not a beach, it’s a sandbar…you’re walking STRAIGHT OUT in to the sea from the beach. π
Very awesome.
nice to see you back posting on sixthseal fuck bro been along time since i commented on your site brings back memeorys of how nieve i was back then. and how i contradicted myself with my ramblings about drugs…im 26 now. still loving your style HB. do you remember me?
methyldreams: Hey bro, I still remember you! Heh! Yeah, remember the comments about drugs too, fun times, fun times.
I’m 29 now, quit meth and turned from being a huge advocate for it to someone totally against it. π
It’s the only drug I’m biased against.
i see. π
Eriku: Yeah, it’s a remarkable display of nature at work. π
yeah good times im still loving my amphetamine pills and meth of course! got into kapanol and oxys yeh welll one thing led to the other and got addicted to opiates after all my old preaching about how it was so shit well i had awesome time til my supply run out! now im on buprenorphine plus others….im 26 now its amazing im still alive really! are you still in malayasia? i better go got work 2moro and have to meet my coz at 5.30am to pick up some wizza dizz dizz. later mate i forgot about this site till i was googling methyldreams ha. later HB
metyldreams: Alas…those were the great days. I wish I was still on it, but unfortunately, though I like it, I prefer opiates now. π
Same here! I like oxycodone and methadone but I don’t really appreciate buprenorphine over here coz all the PURE bupe has been replaced with ones that are mixed with nalaxone. Fuck.
Yeah, I’m still in Malaysia, in KL too. Hook up, email me
Disclaimer: Hookup means getting some drinks together.
for sure if ur ever downh in melbourne email me, yeah same over here all the bupe has naxolone, im pretty goood now only IV meth, i know some of my asssoiates stilll bang it make a little bit on the side uno… been on dextro.. for like 5 years now awesome well gets me through though work anyhow u were3 right back then that methylphenidate is well behind dex what i ;liked was the euphora when coming up but once over makes u feeel dirty. i gotta say my meth is stilll mt favourite just love the feeling of my body in overdrive, only spent 300 2day the problem though is once started on a session i cant stop! getting more fuck it dont matter my coin plus its my life and do watevera i fukjing want! any good otc over there? LOVE THIS TRACK bro im just listening to my old cds for nthe first time in like 6 months.. reason had to move back with parents cause i was living with this cock who had siitzafreania uno what i mean ha anyway the cunt kioced me out cause i was thinkg shit about him appartenly.. knock the loser on his arse when i had got all my stufff out.l..sorrry mate ramblings of a meth haed!
um did you have to erase all the old comments? feeling good long weekend drinking black douglas mixing nice and strong i reokon mixes perfectly with meth what u rekon. i waas goin out 2nite bu7t left my wallet in mates car only just got it back cant wait to have a nice disco biscuit again seee only stared working again 2 weeeks ago in like 12 months sittting on my arse. uno where i got my oxys from? i tell u anyway i was workiong as scaffholding and my boss had to have abit of his foot cut off anyway he was on 40mg oxys and being me i knew what they were and 0obiously grab a thew for my self every dat… never felt saw after work. il stop rambling now but yeah be good to catch up!
for sure if ur ever downh in melbourne email me, yeah same over here all the bupe has naxolone, im pretty goood now only IV meth, i know some of my asssoiates stilll bang it make a little bit on the side uno… been on dextro.. for like 5 years now awesome well gets me through though work anyhow u were3 right back then that methylphenidate is well behind dex what i ;liked was the euphora when coming up but once over makes u feeel dirty. i gotta say my meth is stilll mt favourite just love the feeling of my body in overdrive, only spent 300 2day the problem though is once started on a session i cant stop! getting more fuck it dont matter my coin plus its my life and do watevera i fukjing want! any good otc over there? LOVE THIS TRACK bro im just listening to my old cds for nthe first time in like 6 months.. reason had to move back with parents cause i was living with this cock who had siitzafreania uno what i mean ha anyway the cunt kioced me out cause i was thinkg shit about him appartenly.. knock the loser on his arse when i had got all my stufff out.l..sorrry mate ramblings of a meth haed!
um did you have to erase all the old comments? feeling good long weekend drinking black douglas mixing nice and strong i reokon mixes perfectly with meth what u rekon. i waas goin out 2nite bu7t left my wallet in mates car only just got it back cant wait to have a nice disco biscuit again seee only stared working again 2 weeeks ago in like 12 months sittting on my arse. uno where i got my oxys from? i tell u anyway i was workiong as scaffholding and my boss had to have abit of his foot cut off anyway he was on 40mg oxys and being me i knew what they were and 0obiously grab a thew for my self every dat… never felt saw after work. il stop rambling now but yeah be good to catch up!
fuck i love my life! e on the wauy now awesome!~
methyldreams: Sure thing mate. I’m headed to Melbourne end of this month. I would love to have beer with you, other stuff I’ve quit (at least that’s the Standard Party Line ;)).
I won’t mind having an Oxy though, love that stuff. π
Hey, catch up soon k? π
sweet mate let me know wehn ur over and we catch up; il ony comment on this post k. later Thanks for that awesome posting. It saved MUCH time π