Okay, now back in the days, my parents don’t exactly let me indulge in instant noodles, due to their misguided belief that it will cause your hair to fall off.
I’m now 29 and I have a healthy crown of hair so I can say with all enthusiasm (complete with an I-told-you-so) expression on my face:
Anyway, back then my idea of cooking MAGGI® Curry (it’s my favorite flavor) is pretty basic – 2 packets with 2 (or sometimes 3) eggs.
You know that TVC where this nerdy guy cooks it his way and goes out to the balcony to enjoy his supper of MAGGI® and meets this girl?
Well, that didn’t happen to me but I went to university in Australia and as EVERY person who did their undergraduate degree overseas will tell you – instant noodles is a staple in our diet due to budgetary issues.
However, I did manage to come up with some creativity in my cooking while down under (if you eat it every single day, you gotta find stuff to spice it up, so to speak). I started experimenting and adding in stuff and now that I’m not a poor university student anymore, I still enjoy MAGGI® Mee (Curry of course) but with more…premium, shall we say, ingredients.
You will need:
MAGGI® Mee (Curry Flavor)
Mixed Seafood – mussels, shrimp, crab sticks
Canadian Oyster
String cheese
Large Tiger Prawn
MAGGI® Mee My Way circa 2010 costs RM 62.85 per bowl. Heh!
Tiger Prawn @ RM 34. Don’t over boil this – make sure that it’s tender and juicy when you eat it. It’s actually pretty easy to cook, just chuck it into boiling water seasoned with salt.
Next up comes the mixed seafood (after you take the tiger prawn out) – use the same stock as the prawn will impart a lot of flavor into the broth.
One habit I’ve never managed to break is using my fingers to test the readiness of MAGGI® Mee – I know it’s two minutes but without a timer, and with my Time Tested (TM) method it’s actually quite easy – just take a bit of noodles up and squeeze it in between your fingernails – with enough practice, you’ll know when it’s cooked.
I like my eggs to have runny yolks so this is another thing you should watch out for. I like to think I’m pretty good at this – making a perfect bowl of MAGGI®. 😉
Okay, this is cheese. Cheese and MAGGI®, you say? Heresy right? No.
It’s actually pretty good….provided you don’t let it melt in the soup – just heat it up in the hot soup so the string cheese will be chewy.
The oyster on the top is a appetizer of sorts – a way to make MAGGI® Mee a complete meal!
I’m sure you have your favorite MAGGI® recipe right? If you don’t, you’re not Malaysian but I’ll cut you some slack and point you in the right direction – you can view some past recipes here. Wanna join the MAGGI® Mee My Way contest? There are RM 30,000 worth of prizes to give away with a top prize of RM 8,000 + a RM 100 hamper. All you need to do is to record a video of yourself cooking MAGGI® like the one I did above.
Your video should clock in at 2 minutes coz that’s the amount of time it takes to cook a packet of MAGGI®! Give it a nice and creative title and make sure you feature all the ingredients you used in the recipe, method of preparation and best of all – how you enjoy the dish!
You know all about the Tim Tam Slam right? Now, here’s the MAGGI® Slurp (TM). =D
I’m sure you’ve all done it before. DON’T PRETEND! I know you do it too. 😛
Surf on over and do your best on the MAGGI® Mee My Way Contest! Good luck!

That looks delicious. Love Maggi too. Always Tom Yam for me. 🙂
omgz does this mean i can has maggi for lunch every day now?!
dammit i should learn never to visit your blog before lunchtime. now i’m craving maggi tomyam T_T
debbie: I only eat Maggi Curry (both regular and the Kari Letup version). 🙂
I don’t like chicken, but tom yam is pretty good if you add a bit of BBQ sauce inside. Serious. I tried that when I bought the wrong flavor and it was delicious. 🙂
fresh: Haha! I’m having Maggi for dinner nowdays – had two packets last night. Hmm…it seems that Tom Yam is a popular Maggi flavor eh?
I much prefer curry. 🙂
Go and cook, it just takes 2 minutes. =D
OMG *narrow eyes* is almost lunch time and i’m craving for Maggi mee now!
ohya one of my friend actually put in the abalone slice for his Maggi mee damn kixiao and rich.
p.s. this time is a real me lor k.not imitator lor k wtf.
“Well, that didn’t happen to me but I went to university in Australia and as EVERY person who did their undergraduate degree overseas will tell you – instant noodles is a staple in our diet due to budgetary issues”
This is overgeneralizing. More like ” I don’t know how to cook/ I am too lazy to cook, therefore, I think instant noodles are the answer” is also a factor.
Because from my tiny survey, I found that some of them are LAZY TO COOK as well as LAZY TO DO DISHES.
u have a weird way of saving money? LOL hahaha
I remember I went on a fishing trip once and we were on a boat. My dad’s friend speared a lobster and we threw it into the pot with 6 packs of Maggi curry – it’s the best maggi I remember ever having!
xiiinyiii: Oh ya, I did that once too. Haha! It was probably the most expensive bowl of Maggi I’ve eaten. During CNY, there were a lot of shark fin and abalone around so I just dumped it all into my Maggi. It tasted great! 🙂
Michelle Chin: Heh! It’s all about sample size – you’re surveying from your uni mates and I base my takeouts from mine. 🙂
I’m not lazy to cook, I love cooking. I don’t like doing the dishes though. 😉
KY: Heh! Occasional indulgence! 🙂
steph: Wow! That’s nice! Lobster with Maggi mee, caught fresh from the ocean too! Thanks for sharing your Maggi experience. You should probably submit the recipe too, you can replicate it in a video. 😉
haha.. wanna come diving with me?
wow…Tiger prawn and oyster!!! OMG! What a sinful maggi mee~ Hmm..i’m still thinking of the recipe to cook..lol~
Good luck! 😉
steph: Yeah, sounds like a plan! We can fish from the boat prior too. Haha! I’ve been deep sea fishing and nothing beats eating fish caught fresh from the sea. Haven’t been doing that for a while, prob would go again when have time to spare and try to cook Maggi with various fishes. 🙂
…but first! Diving. Sure thing, when are you goin?
Joshualaw: I think this is pretty tame compared to the one I did during CNY. You know how you have a lot of hampers with stuff like shark fin and abalone etc? I was hungry one night and used it all to cook with 3 packets of Maggi. I think that must be the most expensive Maggi ever. 🙂
Good luck in your video contest! 🙂
OMG! Pulau in a Maggie!! hahahaha
Omg RM62 OMG!!!!
i need to know how much did that fat juicy oyster cost and where did u get it????????
Yeah,, what is it with this perception that noodles can cause: Cancer, Blindness, Nymphomania, Insomnia, Rubella, Leprosy, Sterility, Vaginal Dryness, Erectile dysfunction, Gout, Malaria(!), High BP, Low BP, Senility, Baldness(as mentioned), Low Libido, Civil war, etc
Perhaps manuafacturers of noodles should do testing on rabbits and mice?
Wow that’s some real luxury maggi.
Tey Cindy: Haha! Yeah, going all seafood here. 🙂
It’s actually only one packet of Maggi with two packets of the flavoring (my mom hates it when I do that back when I was a kid) added in with all the seafood. 🙂
Chingy: I think I’ve eaten probably a RM 300 bowl of Maggi once. T_T
I was hungry and cooked it during CNY with all the shark’s fins and abalones we got from hampers. Heh! 🙂
kimberlycun: Oh, I got that from Cold Storage. It was cost RM 5.89. I even remember the price from memory. Wonders of wonders. 🙂
You can choose any one – all of them sell at that price per oyster.
Jeff: Heh! Yeah, it’s just an urban legend. They blame it for just about anything. I’ve eaten A LOT of instant noodles during uni and I’m doing fine. 🙂
s: I didn’t manage to post about another recipe I did during CNY. That was REALLY decadant. I took sharks fin and abalone from the hampers lying around and dumped it into 3 packets of Maggi. Heh! 🙂
super pricey maggi!!! dont really fancy seafood but this looks tempting..
Wah … that’s some premium Maggi you have there. I don’t even cook mine with eggs. Only the noodles, that’s all.
Malas ler …
I was actually thinking to join the maggi competition! 😛
u have just made experiencing maggi mee up to another level.
When you said that you have to live on Maggi mee with 2 eggs after loosing 11k, I didn’t expect it to come with tiger prawns and oyster!
Casley: Yeah, it looks pretty good eh? That’s the best thing about Maggi – it’s very versatile. 🙂
J2Kfm: Heh! Maggi tastes better with eggs! 🙂
I ate it without eggs last night too though.
chefmel: Yeah, go and join! It’s very easy – just make a 2 minute video, check the website for details. 🙂
Pretty good prizes too! =D
matt: Haha! Yeah, but nothing can beat my CNY Maggi with shark fin and abalone extravaganza. Too bad I didn’t take photos. 🙁
eiling: Hehe! This was before that. Now I’m eating Maggi with no eggs. 😉
Lol! 63 for a bowl of maggie! Thats too much maybe i might just save 40 more ringgit for a dinner in Jogoya! Btw bout the hairfall thing it’s not the noodle that causes it; it’s the overconsumption of msg. Well eating out in Malaysia especially chinese food means u get a whole lot more of monosodium glutamate than a bowl of maggi 😉
This is a very luxury Maggy Mee ar.
b: Heh! But it tastes good and it’s fun to experiment with Maggi. 🙂
I eat a lot of MSG too but my hair is still fine. 😉
TianChad: Yup, it’s for the Maggi Mee My Way contest. 🙂
Wow ur explanation… u can be the next Chef Wan or Jamie Oliver 😛
chrisblitz: Heh! Thanks for the kind compliments. 🙂
I wish that was true though, I’ll love to be a food or travel TV host. My dream job.
HB, your cooking has greatly improve now you gotten your place. Dish look so good.
Momofuku Ando would have been proud of your creativity..cheers macha…(sipping my 12% beer i mean malt liquor wuhuhu..cheers macha ♫~♫~♫)
Erica: Heh! Thanks! 🙂
Yeah, my old place doesn’t even have a kitchen – it was totally unfurnished.
The first condo I lived in when I came over was partly furnished but the kitchen facilities were lacking so I decided to move into a fully furnished serviced studio this time. 😉
hindraf: Haha! Thanks bro. Yeah, this is an entry for the Maggi Mee My Way contest. 🙂
all your fault!!! After reading your blog I head to 7/11 right away to buy maggi asam laksa! huuuh.
nicole: Heh! Miri got 7-11? Kidding kidding, of course got. Sibu doesn’t have though. We’re much more ulu than Miri. 😉
How was the Maggi Asam Laksa? I prefer curry over anything else. 🙂
OMG, so freaking expensive
Maybe next time u should try with birdnest >.
Eeeeeee.. I want to try that RM62.85 Maggi Mee can? 😀
hitomi: Heh! I’ve tried cooking Maggi with shark fin and abalone but not with bird’s nest. I like bird’s nest with rock sugar. 🙂
ahlost: Of course! I’ll personally cook it for you when you come over to KL! 🙂
Curry flavour maggi all the way with egg and less soup! 😀
Dude, the oyster reminds me of a fat chick I once boinked.
wow. curry maggimee….
I’ve got the same bowl at home.. hehe..=)
WHOAAA!!! That prawn is huge!
liyen: YAY! We have the same tastes! =D
I like Maggi curry too with less soup. 🙂
Or, the alternative is two sachets of flavoring but then you’re left with 1 packet of noodles. 🙂
e: HAHA! I hope it was BEFORE your wedding. 😉
woaini_87: Heh! Yeah, I don’t know where I got that plate from. Yup, Maggi curry is my favorite!
Mind: Yeah, and worth every penny (or RM 34) I paid for it. 🙂
nice. . cept for the crab stick. . .lolz. U outdone urself again. . .
luxurious maggi…
u should include crab in instead of crabstick… 😀
foodcrazee: Heh! Thanks bro! The crab sticks was part of the mixed seafood pack that I got – contains other things too. I like crab sticks. 🙂
ah nel: Heh! Yeah quite a bowl of Maggi eh? A crab would be overkill though, won’t be able to fit it into the pot. Haha! 🙂
Better than my piece of shit sandwich i bought today from a deli…USD$14…taste like shit!
USD$14 = $45. I was still hungry after that!
Paul: Heh! Well, you can alwas get Maggi in the US. However, I used to live in NZ and their Maggi tastes TOTALLY different from ours. The ones at Asian groceries a.k.a. Malaysian Maggi Mee is still the best. 🙂
sheez, most extravagant bowl of maggi ever! even puts williams / murni / kayu prices to shame man. 😛
LOL, what flavor is the soup then I wonder? Sweet and spicy
dogbone: HAHAHA! Yeah, and I even did Maggi with sharks fin and abalone.
I love your analogy mate. 🙂
hitomi: It’s still curry! 🙂
Or you mean Maggi Tom Yam with BBQ sauce? Sweet and sour. 🙂
that would be a total waste…I wont do it
btw, 6sets of butter chicken rice is 1bowl of ur maggi!!
hitomi: Haha! But it’s a delicious bowl of Maggi! With Tiger Prawn to boot! 🙂
no plans, but those can be made!
steph: Great! =D
I’ll see you then. 🙂
Are you so rich.. ……………or are you stupid!
My meggi is just put hot water that’s it. May be I am very poor man..
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