Drinks with Veen Dee


I am going to miss the Coffee with Nuffies – Veen Dee session at the Nuffnang office this Friday, so a couple of us got together at Linda‘s place and made pizza! I had something stronger than coffee though. smirk

Full post coming up! πŸ™‚

Photo of me and Veen Dee taken with the Sony Cyber-shot TX-5.

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22 thoughts on “Drinks with Veen Dee”

  1. chefmel: Thanks Mel! Yeah, cropped it short to save on hair gel. πŸ˜‰
    debbie: Nope, you can read the post even if you’re not with Nuffnang. πŸ™‚
    fresh026: I can’t exactly write when I’m camped in front of a fast food joint, stealing their WiFi. :S
    Okay, correcting! I thought it was last Friday! It’s okay promo for Coffee with Veen Dee. HAHA! πŸ™‚
    eiling: Yup, I cropped it real short last weekend to make it easier to maintain. =D

  2. veen dee: Who passed out? I didn’t, was relatively sober (by my standards) throughout the night. Michelle drove me home just to be on the safe side though. I found my BB again! πŸ™‚
    I got! Wait ya, a but busy ATM, will pass all photos to you! πŸ™‚
    cin: Awesome! Thanks!
    I shall maintain this haircut. πŸ˜‰
    kom: It shall come! I haven’t had time to write it yet. πŸ™

  3. OH MY GAWD….. “I won’t pass out. I won’t pass out on this amount of drinks” YEAHHHHH righttt..!!!
    Hahahahahaa… I declare you a certified alcoholic, together with Fresh. Do you even remember what we all talked about? You kinda promised us something.

  4. Linda @froggybroon: REALLY?????????
    I don’t actually remember! I do remember Michelle driving me home though. Crap, give me the lowdown. T_T

  5. Rambling Mind: Yes, am seriously considering stopping now. Due to poverty, among other reasons. Kinda hard to sleep though without alcohol. πŸ™‚
    michellezyenn: Haha! Not just with Veen Dee but with all you guys!
    Yup, it’s fun! Er…sorry you did all the baking. πŸ™

  6. Hey HB,stop with the whinny shit about poverty and trying to save on hair gel la! Where the hell do you normally drown your sorrows or let your hair down? I’ll sponsor all your alcoholic beverages until some big money find their way into your bank account! No kidding! This is from someone who has been down that slippery slope before which included narco shit like chasing the dragon,etc,etc

  7. Yeah,do cut down on your boozing. It’s impeding(also reading as fcuking up) your sense of judgment by a whole lot(approx.50k in somebody else’s pockets?)Pls dun mistake my ‘sponsorship offer’ as an insult but rather as a extension of friendship. We’re kindred spirits..heh..coz I used do alot of the same impulsive shit you did. Thank Gawd,He gave me 9 lives. Hang in there buddy and dun let the depression shit get to you. Stay off the whatever pills. It’ll only contribute to more psychological,not to mention physiological problems later on. Take care,bro,laters!

  8. Yeah,do cut down on your boozing. It’s impeding(also read as fcuking up) your sense of judgment by a whole lot(approx.50k in somebody else’s pockets?)Pls dun mistake my ‘sponsorship offer’ as an insult but rather as a extension of friendship. We’re kindred spirits..heh..coz I used do alot of the same impulsive shit you did. Thank Gawd,He gave me 9 lives. Hang in there buddy and dun let the depression shit get to you. Stay off the whatever pills. It’ll only contribute to more psychological,not to mention physiological problems later on. Take care,bro,laters!

  9. correction:”as an extension of my hand of friendship”. See what I mean about drugs fcuking us up? πŸ™‚

  10. tribalscreams: Yeah, I know mate. I haven’t had a drink since Monday. Quite proud of that achievement. I didn’t drink last night too. πŸ™‚
    Nah mate, it’s all cool, I didn’t take it as an insult, I know it’s a gesture of friendship. πŸ™‚
    Of course, I’m not taking anything anymore.
    Cheers bro! πŸ™‚

  11. I love this picture of us! hhahaha i just saw this post ( apparently i commented up there T_T )when i was searching ur name for my assignment about blogger lol lol

    • Heh! Me too! I love this photo of us, you look adorable in it. πŸ˜€

      Good luck with your assignment and let’s go out for dinner or something when you’re around! πŸ™‚

      Take care Veen Dee!


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