11 photos from the Fraser’s Hill trip

frasers trip

The obligatory shot at the iconic Fraser’s Hill clock tower. I got a very unwilling dude who was just chilling there to take it for me. Heh.


We stayed at Fraser’s Silverpark Resort – had a booking for a studio but got upgraded to a two bedroom suite.

frasers hill balcony

It has a balcony and…

frasers hill morning

…a great view of nature! πŸ™‚

frasers hill silverpark

The resort is poorly maintained with temperamental hot water but it was relatively clean.


Plenty of interesting insects you’ll be hard pressed to find in the city too.

frasers fog

Fraser’s Hill is colder than I remembered it to be – it was rather chilly and foggy when we were there. I loved the weather!

jura 16

A bottle of Jura 16 y/o single malt and you’re set for the night. There’s nothing much to do here except chill at night. That’s part of the appeal. πŸ™‚


Hah! smirk

fiona me

Here’s a shot of me and Fiona!

frasers hill smokehouse

Wanted to have English tea at Ye Olde Smokehouse before we drove down but unfortunately they don’t serve scones until 3 pm. Nevertheless, it was a great trip up! πŸ™‚

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32 thoughts on “11 photos from the Fraser’s Hill trip”

  1. last time i went to fraser’s hill was almost a decade ago. i needed a jacket to walk around. nice to see the clock-tower is still functioning. how cold was it when you went? i heard it’s getting warmer.

    • Yup, it was quite cold when I went there!

      I was rather surprised since the last time I went, it was really hot. This time it was a cool 17 degrees!

      I guess it fluctuates depending on a lot of factors, like rain, as commented below. I don’t remember it raining though. πŸ™‚

  2. my monthly playground:D

    you probably went up when there was quite a bit of rain. otherwise, the place can be a tad warm:( we haven’t been staying at the hotels for some time….preferring the bungalows coz I can bring Shalom along and we have our BBQs out in the dark.

    • Nice! That sounds like a lot of fun!

      Oh, thanks for the information! I didn’t know that the weather can fluctuate so much. It was 17 degrees when we went, at least according to the public temperature display – some even went as far as 15 degrees.

      I agree, it’s a fun place to *literally* chill. πŸ™‚

    • Nice! I’ve been to Cameron’s Highlands a couple of years back too – it’s fun, but getting a tad commercialized.

      Fraser’s Hill is a bit less so, and it can get pretty cold up there too. I like the isolation too – it’s peaceful and the weather is awesome! πŸ™‚

  3. A very creative love sign done by you standing on the balcony and Fiona inside. Should put the hair line ring on your ring finger. All the best to both of you πŸ™‚

    • Thanks bro! πŸ™‚

      I was taking photos from the balcony and realized I could see into the living room and asked Fiona to align her hands to make a heart shape.

      It was a lot of fun, the weather was great and the company better. πŸ™‚

  4. I agree with Alice. =D

    If you ask the person kindly, I’m sure he won’t mind.

    I myself haven’t been to Fraser’s Hill; my parents aren’t willing to drive me there. Cameron Highlands, I’ve been there before but it’s at least a decade ago. I don’t think I’ll remember the roads now. Yes, you should buy the scones when you’re there. I don’t know why but the ones from Cameron is the tastiest. Maybe it’s the weather…

    • Thanks Ciana! πŸ™‚

      Yup, I don’t mind, it’s partly right, but I can’t say anymore about the nature of that. Heh. Fiona would kill me.

      I’ve had the scones from Ye Olde Smokehouse from Bangsar, Cameron Highland’s and Fraser’s Hill, for some reason I’ll rate them as:

      Bangsar being a distant third

      The road up is a bit steep but they’ve improved it a lot – no more “time allocation” system where you drive up and down on odd/even hours. The Gap has been improved so traffic can go both ways thanks to a new road.

      Yeah, I agree, Cameron Highland’s is the best probably coz of the turnover so it’s fresh. The ones at Fraser’s ain’t too bad either. πŸ™‚

    • Heh! Well, it’s hair but Fiona would kill me if I said anything more.

      Gotta love the weather up there, it’s really nice and cold if it rains, thought I can’t remember it raining when we went. The thermos were displaying 14 degrees at the lowest, some said 16-17 degrees which is more plausible.

      Cheers Eiling! πŸ™‚


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