Looks fine, right?
No, look again. I’m balding at the top and have heaps of dandruff to boot! I’m 35 years of age. I didn’t expect time to creep up on me so quickly. I honestly thought that my (past) uninhibited and hedonistic lifestyle will kill me before I hit 30 and I’ve said so many times on this very blog. Fortunately, that didn’t happen. I’m still alive.
Unfortunately, that means I have to deal with certain things about aging. Like balding, for instance. I have male pattern baldness and it’s hereditary. My dad is almost bald and most of my uncles are sporting a shiny pate. I’ll be like that too, if genetics have a thing or two to say about it.
However, genetics doesn’t mean that you just have to sit back and take what’s coming to you. You can actually thwart genes (like Angelina Jolie famously did) and to a less extreme extent, I have done the same too.
I went for a hair loss prevention session at Svenson in Mid Valley during 2011 and that has helped arrest my condition to a large extent. I have seen a lot of good things happen to my scalp and hair during the 10 weeks of my treatment and now I’m back for more!
I’m on a more intensive treatment this time, involving lots more stuff so I’ll be writing about it as I go along.
This is the latest look at my scalp (2015)
I had a YouTube video of the same process during 2011 and things are getting better but during the ensuing years, I have not maintained optimal hair treatment discipline and things are not looking as good as they should be.
Mary is back as my consultant! I’m really glad to have her on board, she’s been giving me great advice about my hair and I love how she’s straight with me – there are no miracles in hair loss treatment, anyone doing that is probably fraudulent, but there are many things you can do to prevent hair loss.
I have gone through a few sessions and it’s nice to meet the same people I have gotten acquainted with four years ago. I’ll share with you the treatments that I’m getting and we’ll see how it all works out at the end. I’m going twice a week and I started with the Oxy DH Therapy.
Oxy DH Therapy delivers 95% pure oxygen to the deepest layer of hair root to enhance blood circulation and assist in the penetration and absorption of their proprietary DH Hair Concentrate Serum – it’s applied to my scalp with 3 miniature jets at supersonic speeds.
This basically peels off the outer layer of your skin at the scalp and removes excess sebum (which causes hair loss).
There are are 30 vials of Corrective Liquid which is applied after that. You can actually bring home and apply yourself if you’re very busy. This serum is the stuff that encourages hair growth and is the bedrock of all treatments here. However, it’s advisable for the good people at Svenson to do it, for one simple reason:
You can’t see the back of your head. π Seriously, they can do it much better than you can at home. Also, in conjunction of Svenson celebration of their 59th Years of Crowning Glory; in the month of June, you can enjoy the Hair & Scalp Rescue Therapy at only RM 59 and you’ll also get a Laser Treatment for free!
It’s been great for me so far. You can head over to the Svenson website or the Svenson Facebook page if you want to know more about their treatments. Otherwise, you can also call Svenson’s helpline @ 1800 22 833 for information and make your appointment to enjoy their awesome treatment!
It’s for both males and females. I’ve seen both during my time there and they run the gamut from young to old. I’ll talk more about the advanced Micro Transdermal Therapy I was talking about soon and we’ll see what I look like at the end of all this.
It’ll be interesting, that’s for sure!

So do I! God is so fair – as I grow older, I grow fatter around the middle…but thinner at the top. π π π
Haha! Me too actually. π
I need to do more exercise to arrest the getting bigger around the middle part too.
that’s informative. great that you are having more HAIR! hehe
Yup, I’ve gone for this treatment few years back. π
This is my second time, for a more comprehensive treatment.
Not only genetic, lifestyle and diet can be the cause to thinning hair. My hubby also has thinning hair. Lol.
Yeah, everything is a factor! π
Even hygiene, or the way you wash your hair. I never knew you shouldn’t let conditioner touch the scalp (!!!) – always thought that’s how it works. It turns out it’s bad for the scalp.
Goodness! I thought you are pulling my legs. Looking at your eyebrows, I thought you should be hairy like a gorilla all over. LOL
It is good that you are getting professional help to address your hair loss. This centre has lots of good testimonials by many trusted clients.
I have been drinking neat virgin olive oil for few decades now with the hope that it could repair my organs and prevent heart disease. My friend told me that my head is full of hair and it must be the olive oil’s natural treatment to feed the roots beneath my scalp.
Good luck HB. Have a hairy week!
Yeah, I really have a balding spot on the top of my head! π
I personally never really buy into home remedies like olive oil but if it works for you, that’s great. I’ve heard people using castor oil and coconut oil to good effect too! Cheers!