This is the iced green apple flavored cigarettes by DJ Mix. The box
has a decidedly cheesy tagline – “Special Feel” imprinted with the
brand. The green apple cigarettes are apparently menthol lights, which
do not earn it any points with me, since I detest menthols and lights,
and nothing irks me more than a combination of the two. It’s like
sacrilege made exponential.
DJ Mix is made by DJ Tobacco Company Limited. This seems to be a
tobacco factory based in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The box is light green,
with a pattern of embossed white “DJ Mix” characters recurring and an
acorn for the logo. The nicotine and tar listings seem to be the same
as regulation cigarettes, though it has a note appended to the bottom
saying “Lowered tar and nicotine”.
The packaging does not seem to be airtight, as wafts of green apple
could be detected as the cigarette box was packed. The assault of green
apple flavor was apparent upon opening up the box, and not in a good
way. I would liken it more to the air freshener industry’s
interpretation of “green apple” instead of an actual fruit.
The cigarettes did not taste well too. There is a hint of green
apple with each inhale but I did not like the tobacco blend. There is
an interesting anomaly with the filters too. Note the corona particle
distribution on the filter:
This is inconsistant with what a Marlboro filter produces:
The filter shows discoloration towards the fringes opposed to the
trend of concentrating in the middle like Marlboro (and other) filters.
I don’t know what this seems to indicate though. I however, would
suggest giving these cigarettes a wide berth. They taste wrong. Thanks for that awesome posting. It saved MUCH time 🙂
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