In Good Faith

I’ve removed several categories from the sidebar in good faith. I’m
currently seeking legal council. Thank you all for your support – and
please be careful when commenting…it’s a very sensitive issue. Thank
you for all your support and I hope this blows over soon…

It is natural for new media to be seen as a threat and attempts to
legislate cyberspace initiated. I urge the authorities to look at the
blog as a whole and not dwell on the other posts.

I’m doing everything I can…and I need all the support I can get right now, so I’ll appreciate any that is offered.

Thanks to:
Sashi []
Lainie []
John Kuan []
mahagurusia []

and to all the bloggers who have posted about this issue and the
readers who have offered me asylum and support via SMS and phone calls.
It’s very much appreciated – from the bottom of my heart.

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14 thoughts on “In Good Faith”

  1. Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.

  2. to get heard of the fresh Kinect? Its definitely awesome! I never had a whole lot fun playing adventures before, eventhough I would certainly call myself your hardcore player that will usually plays game titles like Call of Duty and stuff like that. The Kinect is so different than anything else I have ever played before. that motion controles function really well, and not just that, but not needing to use a controller to learn is the personification connected with freedom! No irritating button smashing any longer, a single word will do! You should really think about getting any Kinect!.

  3. brand-new heard of the new Kinect? Its really awesome! I never had much fun playing gaming system before, eventhough I could call myself the hardcore player this usually plays mmorpgs like Call of Duty and stuff like that. The Kinect is definitely so different than everything else I have ever played before. the motion controles work really well, and in addition to that, but not being forced to use a controller to learn is the personification of freedom! No troublesome button smashing any more, a single word will do! You should think about getting any Kinect!.


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