I mean seriously, I didn’t know the Alpha and the Omega was within cell coverage. I was surprised Yahweh keeps up with the times at all. I guess that newfangled business with U2charist and praying for the CEOs of Google and whatnot is not hogwash after all.
What Would Jesus Do (with a cell phone) indeed…
#1: Number has been removed. The girl texted me back saying that you guys are spamming her number. π
#2: Jeff answered the rhetorical question:
Hmm.. What would Jesus do with a mobile:
1. Ring Josef & Mary
2. Call God for instructions
2a. Report Sinners.
2b. Get weather reports from heaven and hell.
3. Top up less fortunate peoples credit on prepaid plans.
4. Perform miracles, like turn old phone batteries into new ones. Gasp!
5. SMS sermons to his followers.
6. Order pizza.
7. Prank phone calls to Romans esp. Pontius Pilate.
8. Translate Ancient Hewbrew into Latin and debate the pros and cons of roman numeral keypads.
Enough. Now let us pray…
whats yer cell number
Maybe it’s a hint… π
I wonder how many sms 016895xxxx is getting right about NOW. lol
Is it from some one you have a Whaa Whaa Woom night before ^^
Odd indeed.
pm: 016 888 2069
Mike Yip: Heh! I don’t know anyone by that number, which is why it came up without a name. π
KY: I actually replied when I got this last night. I texted back asking “Who is this?”. No reply. π
Viya: Nope, nothing like that. I tried calling back, no answer also. I though it could be someone I know, so I had to check. π
ShaolinTiger: You know what I think? I think it’s someone who has OCD typing this out on her (sounds like a her) cell phone with NO intention of sending it out but accidentally did. It sounds like a prayer to Jesus. π
anyone received text for tonight – aparrently, BBC stated tonight will be a high radiation nite – whatever the heck it is and it will effect our cell if it is on . . . .personally i think it is BULL
hey.. i know.. the sender meant to send ‘Good night Love’ but he mispressed the keypad 7 instead of 8 so the auto-dictionary make it to ‘Good night Lord’
I think your girlfriend is dropping hints HB…
really weird sms…
HB, luckily the SMS didn’t read “HB I’m now 9 months pregnant. You dirty bastard!” LOL
whats your area code (do they have that in your location)?
Hmm.. What would Jesus do with a mobile:
1. Ring Josef & Mary
2. Call God for instructions
2a. Report Sinners.
2b. Get weather reports from heaven and hell.
3. Top up less fortunate peoples credit on prepaid plans.
4. Perform miracles, like turn old phone batteries into new ones. Gasp!
5. SMS sermons to his followers.
6. Order pizza.
7. Prank phone calls to Romans esp. Pontius Pilate.
8. Translate Ancient Hewbrew into Latin and debate the pros and cons of roman numeral keypads.
Enough. Now let us pray…
foodcrazee aka mike: Nope, I haven’t heard anything about that. Cheers for that, but I’m not a very health concious person in general. π
lovepixie: It turns out that it actually is a prayer. I just got a text (several actually) from the poor girl requesting me to mosiac the number coz she’s been getting a lot of SMSs. π
Mike: It’s not my girlfriend. I don’t know who it is actually. π
vincent: Indeed!
headsteadi: LOL! If that had happened I wouldn’t know how to react. π
pm: The 3 numbers after the 016 prefix is an area code, kinda.
Jeff: Classic. I love it mate. π
Maybe this is the way God answered her prayer? π
how come i cant text u
Shirley Snow: LOL! I doubt it, she seemed to have accidentally sent it to me. π
pm: You can, you just need the country code if you’re not in Malaysia.
it says “+160168882069 is not available” do you keep your phone off?
whats yer cell carrier
pm: You should type +60168882069 or enter 0060168882069 (exact string). My cell is always on.
juno. et her knw i pry , ok? gb.
do u know a site i can send u a free text from another country?