There was this game last night which we kinda butchered. You’re supposed to shoot a slingshot (medieval style, yo) at a target but somehow or other we got an apple. Thus it turned into the classic shoot-the-apple-off-the-head stunt.
Karen really used the slingshot (which was why I was covering my face) and the most amazing thing is, she actually HIT the apple.
The reason I let her do it was coz I trusted her to aim in that general direction (instead of down south where the family jewels are – only son k). It’s also why I use Streamyx broadband…cross my heart and hope to die, I have really been using exclusively that since I got of dial up. I guess it’s just one of those things – you believe in the service.
Just like I trusted Karen not to aim down there. >.<

I’m going to try this at home, since there is no disclaimer hehe. I think I use a watermelon though 😉
Should’ve used a durian instead…
Jeff: Haha! The thing about the slingshot is, it contains a beanbag instead of a real stone. So it doesn’t really hurt at all. 🙂
Cheers: Wah! That one would be very hard to aim! 🙂
hb do you still take the 1 slab red wine?
HAhaahaha poor karen!
wtf…..poor karen alright
Hi huaibin, what’s with the streamyx? You doing an advertorial for them? Very lame way …
seem like the girl more lucky as u shoot so near while she aiming at u so far… 😀
..if you don’t want to miss the apple or her face, the way to do it is use a really big projectile like a basket ball.
..if you don’t want to miss the apple or her face, the way to do it is use a really big projectile like a basket ball.
HB, well knowing your eyesight not sure I would trust you in aiming. My hobby on dayoff is archery. Been doing it for a few years. Have my own crossbow set. Oh well William Tell keep at it still.
killing spree!! wow, she sure knows how to aim!
urkuchingfriend: Yeah, I don’t mind drinking that…not very particular about table wine. 🙂
KY: Haha! I didn’t let go. 🙂
foodcrazee aka mike: Haha! No la you didn’t read. I didn’t shoot but she did. T_T
lolipop: Yeah, I am. I am also USING Streamyx, and I really do like it so I don’t see a problem there. 🙂
ah nel: I didn’t shoot. She did. 🙂
It was fun though, amazing aim even with a catapult like this.
ncell: Haha! First one is a posed picture. Second isn’t, she really took the shot. I asked her too though. 🙂
Vickie: I don’t trust in my aim as well. :S
michaelkon: Yeah, pretty good considering it’s a handmade slingshot. 🙂
the red wine you’re talking about is extremely hard to get nowadays. very rare indeed.
ezn: Hmm…no worries then. Thanks! 🙂
I won’t wanna do this with you! haha
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