Today was very warm…it was 33 degrees for the better part of the
day. It’s not the 40.2 degree scorcher from a couple of days back, but
it was enough to be uncomfortable without air conditioning. Anyway, I
walked to Yun Yun to get something for dinner. I brought my digicam
along so you can see what I see when I walk that 20 minute distance to
the nearest place I can get food during summer break.
A dead crow through a fence.
Rows and rows of some kind of flower.
A whole lotta new garbage bins.
I also noticed that Yun Yun has replaced their tables and chairs
with newer ones. I was particularly impressed by this guy who ate 3
large plates of kueh tiaw by himself. He was practically wolfing it
down and he drank from his large Gatorade bottle from time to time too.
What is amazing about that is the fact that the guy is skinny and not
very tall…I caught myself wondering how long he has been without food.
Also, the portions we get in Chinese restaurants in Australia is very,
very big compared to back home. Watching him made me feel hungry
myself. Heh.
Today is a Sunday, so if you didn’t go to church, you’ll do well to listen to some MP3 sermons [], heathen!