I wasn’t born in one of the cool zodiacs. I’m not a snake, dragon or Tiger (:p). I’m a Rooster. A wretched chicken. *makes chicken noises* Jesus Christ, why can’t I be born in a better year? However, my horoscope is impeccable – I’m an Aries. Hell, I’m an ARIES Aries since I’m smack dab in the middle of the month.
I stand out in life coz I have the courage to boldly go where no man has gone before. Kiss a poisonous King Cobra? No problem. I bet the owner of the snake temple must have regretted the rhetorical call to action coz she thought no one would actually do it. She quickly shooed me off the stage since I was well within striking range of the rather agitated snake. The snake charmer liked me though. I do things that others wouldn’t dare to…
…like go naked in a public waterfall (scarring numerous little kids in the process – boy, are they gonna need therapy later on in life).
…or setting gasoline on fire in a back alley of a gated community with CCTVs.
…or go up to Genting in full costume and getting INTO the casino and out.
Watch the video. I celebrated pulling this off by singing on stage with the band. I just waltzed up and asked to sing. π
I’m a standout in life coz I dare to do what others do not. I guess you can call that being impulsive and reckless but hey, those are Aries traits and I’m proud of them. I wouldn’t blink if you show up on my doorstep with a kwan tau nursing a bleeding hand. Pierce my wrist? No problem. I laugh in the general direction of going for a tattoo on a whim. I don’t think. I do.
…and that’s what makes me special. That is what makes me standout coz it takes a lot of courage to pull of all the stuff that I’ve done in my life (some not chronicled on sixthseal.com for obvious reasons) and not be dead by now. I ought to be dead, or at least horribly disfigured.
Someone up there loves me. There’s no other explanation for it.
Thus, to show my appreciation to the Powers That Be, I am going to the Stand Out With Tiger and Nuffnang party dressed as a mutilated creature. Someone (something?) you’ll shrink from in fear. The person you’ll point out to your kids and mutter “That’s what you’re gonna look like if you keep misbehaving”.
I don’t care about what others think of me. Call me an outcast, call me a pariah, but at least I don’t follow the crowd. Are you unique? Are you a Standout in life?
If you are, you’ll love the upcoming Stand Out With Tiger and Nuffnang party. It’s going down on the 6th of June 2009 at 7 pm (it’s a Saturday) and the dress code is simply “Standout”. Just be yourself!
How are you gonna get your hands on the tickets? There is only one way – blog about how outstanding you are in life! Create a blog post titled I’m a Standout in Life (like this one). Post up pictures and/or videos and submit your permalink URL to standout@nuffnang.com with your full name.
You might also want to embed the image above into your blog post – 5 random bloggers spotted with this image on their blog will be given a Nintendo DS Lite!
Other prizes up for grabs:
Most Eccentric Blogger Award: A HP Notebook
The In-Need-of-Self-Reflection Award: Mystery Prize (dammit, I’m scared of this one, I have an affinity for winning mystery prizes
The Lucky Attention Seekers: Nintendo DS Lite x 5 (just embed the image into your blog post)
Standout King: Xbox 360
Standout Queen: Coach Handbag
The Pacifier Suckers: Mystery Prize (OMG! Again?
Only the first 100 bloggers who send in their entries will be given a pair of invites to this exclusive party so get cracking. Get the full details here.
The Grand Catch of the Night award will get your blog listed in the banner ads for this campaign and you’ll even have a spot to put your handprint during the Standout party (like the Hollywood Walk of Fame).
…but that’s what I’m targeting ya, so I’m calling shotgun for that one.
I didn’t go all the way up to Genting in a Devil’s costume for nothing. :p